Kingdom Hearts Rechain of Memories


About the Game

Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories is the tsecond installment of the series as Kingdom hearts 1 was released before and began the heroes journey. The game was once again developed by Square Enix or previously known Square soft with the help of Jupiter Corp which was a studio focussed on handheld consoles. The was released in 2004 for the game boy advance console. The game was heavily praised for combinning the magic of Disney with the action of Final fantasy and succesfully play on an Inferior console(in comparison to Playstation2) in a good way. Three years later in 2007, the game received a Ps2 version which changed the Gba graphics and made them more like kingdom hearts 1 but kept the new battle system which will be seen below. The ps2 version was also released in the US a year later in 2008 (4 years after its gba release) but never made it into the EU. The remaster Ps2 version was called Kingdom hearts Rechain of memories which was included in the kingdom hearts 1.5 bundle which was released in 2014 for the ps3 console. The 1.5 version of the game included the remaster/extended version of Kingdom hearts:1 final mix and the game called Kingdom hearts 358/2 a DS game, however unlike the others the game is in the form of render Cutscenes. 1.5 was also released as a bundle with 2.5(a similar bundle made for Kh2) in a new bundle called Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5, yet again in a new bundle called Kingdom hearts: The story so far (1.5,2.5 +2.8) and finaly its inlcuded in the Kingdom hearts All in one bundle (a bundle which also included Kh3). The all in one bundle was released for the rest consoles such as Xbox,Pc and switch as cloud. The game's ps2-ps3-ps4 version have graphical changes and better loading screens.

Whats is Kingdom Hearts?(no spoilers)

Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix employee who is known for working on final fantasy vii. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover between Square Enix and Disney based in a fictional universe. The main character Sora, and his friends Donald Duck and Goofy journey around various Disney , Pixar and originally designed worlds.They battle the heartless and various creatures of darkness in order to save the world from the darkness. Throughout their Journey they make new friends along the way, characters from the disney world they visit and various final fantasy heroes. The series consists of thirteen games , and with the release of Kingdom hearts III in 2019 and The Remind DLC 2020, the game finaly concluded it's first saga known as the Xehanort Dark arc. After the events of the Remind DLC (2020), the game released Kingdom hearts Melody of memory which prepared th stage for the next game. In 2022 Kingdom hearts 4 was revealed alongside a new app game . The series are well received from the public although sometimes its beeing critisize for its bizzare story telling. The main issue of the series was the fact that all the games add to one story, however they re split to multiple platoforms such as Ps2,psp,ps4,Android,gba and the Ds. Square Enix though realised the mess they made and the remastered the games and released them as collections for ps4 and xbox. A wide variety of related merchandise has been released along with the games, including Cds with the soundtracks of the series,multiple figurines,plushies,clothing ,companion books(guides,artbooks), light novels, a collectible card game, manga series(by Akira Amano) and potentially an upcoming TV series.

Story of the Game (Minor Spoilers for 2 and spoilers for the ending of Kh1 and chain of)

Game'scover The story of the game picks up right where the first game finished. Sora Donald and Goofy being located in the middle of an open field. Sora meets a hooded person who speaks with riddles implying that he ll need something along the way but in order to achieve it he ll have to lose something else. Before Sora has time to ask questions the hooded figure leaves leaving the hero puzzled. The heroes set on their journey to find king Mickey and Riku and they come across a castle known as Castle Oblivion. The heroes thikning that they ll find answers or even better their friends, walk inside the castle whose door closes locking them inside. The Hooded figure appears yet again to comfort the heroes. Donal tries to cast his magic on him just to find out he couldnt. The figure explains how inside the castle the heroes memories will seem to fade away and stuff like their magical abilities will soon be forgotten. The deeper they proceed inside the castle the more memories they ll lose but, some new ones will be discovered. The hooded figure then proceeds to create a deck of cards made by the heroes' memories and hands them to Sora.

Sora and his crew move inside the Castle Oblivion phasing hooded enemies known as the Organization. At the same time Sora and friends visit old Worlds mainly the ones seeing in Kingdom hearts 1 as they were part of Sora's memories. The further the heroes move inside the castle, the more they forget about the events of Kingdom hearts 1 and the events of their lives prior. Sora remembers an old friend called Namine with whom they were very close. He then learns that his friend Namine is captive within this castle and if he wishes to free her he should proceed in the castle. The organization, who re behind all this, had a member of theirs create a Replica, a doll that will look like someone and act based on their commands. With that, they created a fake Riku known as Riku Replica who was given the impression that he was the real Riku. While Sora is climbing floors in the Castle defeating heartless and other members he come across the Riku replica were they both crash thinking that Replica Riku was the real one and how he was tasked to save Namine. A member of the organization betrays them and brings Namine to Sora where she explains that she was messing with his memories. He then proceeds to explain that Marluxia the leader of this group as he is behind all of this with the goal of becomming the leader of the organization.
Sora's goal is to now move deeper inside the castle, save Namine, remember his memories and stop Marluxia's plans.

The game also includes the Story of his Friend Riku who also teleported from the real of darkness(Due to the events of Kh1) into Castle Oblivion. Unlike Sora, Riku is transported to different floors located in lower parts of the catsle. The events of Riku's tale take place at the same time as Sora's as this is where we get to learn how the Organization members took Riku's data in order to create Riku Replica. In Riku's tale, the hero not only fight againts various of enemies and organization members but he is also struggoling with his inner self Ansem who constantly tries to posses Riku's body. Altough Riku struggles with Ansem he is not alone as King Mickey is helping Riku. Things become more complicated with Riku replica and his creator but you ll have to play the game to discover the tale hidden behind Chain of memories. The Game plays an Important role for the tale that will continue in Kingdom hearts II.

NOTE: Each Kingdom hearts game has it's story completely finished, meanning that anyone who plays the game will enjoy an entire story mode with an ending that satisfies the player but also leaves the door open for more to come. The majority of the questions asked, have been answered through the game however other questions were answered or revealed in other games such as the perviously mentioned 358/2 Days which includes all the Roxas stuff. The game beatifully reintroduces the player to the main cast, the beatiful Disney worlds that some return some dont, worlds originally designed for the game and plenty of iconic characters. The music of the game is top tier, as some are the iconic Disney tunes such as The OST of Pirates of Caribbean and others that were originally made by Square Enix. Kingdom hearts music is undenyably top tier, as since the games initial release there have been a plethera of sold out concert events called Kingdom Hearts Orchestra where the band plays the songs melody. Also in 2020 the Developer team made a rythm game Melody of Memory which put multiple of songs in to create a full on Game. The game's story mode is delivered mainly through fully voice acted cutscenes made within the game and a few that are delivered through dialogue speech boxes. There are a few CGI cutscemes but the majority is in game engine scenes. Furthermore, a common factor was that players used to get lost in KH1 which is something fixed in Kh2. The players can interact with any NPC around the map in order for them to tell the hero go there. For example, Donald will say Check Bella in her room to the right or go look for Simpa in the caves.

Gameplay for Rechain of Memories (some fundementals are the same for the GBA) but the majority will experience the remaster game on the console of preference

Sora Vs Marluxia Sora Vs Marluxia

Unlike the original Kingdom Hearts game which was action adventure RPG with real time combat, the game combined that with a collectable card game. As mentioned in the story section, once Sora enter Castle Oblivion he was given a deck based on his memories.Each card is locked with a particular action,mellee attack spell etc. The player moves around in a 3D space and in order to eneter battle phase the player has to walk towards enemy heartless and interact with them or simply walk towards then and wait for the battle sequence to be triggered. When Sora or Riku enters a battle phase, the players re free to walk around in the 3D(2D) Space. On the bottom left, the player's deck/ hand appears for the player to pick cards. Both the enemy and the player can manuver through their cards and select which one to play. Once the selection is made the two selected options will clash. The players whose card or cards make for the higher value will proceed to attack while the cards with the lowest result will break. The broken cards will not follow their actions as their attack was prevented. In the case of a draw, both cards break and the game proceed without any further actions. If a player plays a card of higher value that requires charge and the other plays a lower card the lower card will simply be ignored. The card with the value of 0 is an exeption, as 0 is prosumably one of the most powered cards that can stop attacks despite their value. The player can combine cards to create a line of combo attacks. Although this is a nice way for Sora to build up a high value combo it comes with the price. The price being that the first card used in the combo stuck will be removed from the players deck for the rest of the specific encounter. Running out of cards can be vital as the player won't be able to defend themselves. Enemies can also combined their attacks which can allow them to deal significant damage to the player but also comes with the price of them losing cards.

Each time that the enemies are defeated they drop experience points that can help Sora level up. When Sora levels up, 1 of 3 options will increase.

  1. Increase Sora's healthbar
  2. Increase Sora's cards numbers
  3. Unlock new abilities/upgrade cards
Defeated enemies have a small chance of dropping a golden P item. This item will randomly select a card in Sora's deck in order to upgrade it in it's premium state. A Premium cards is an upgraded version of the normal playing cards. Premium cards cost less CP and deal more damage. Premium cards do not return to the deck as themselves and instead they revert back to their normal form. At the end of a battle phase, a card will be dropped. Normal enemies will drop a map card, which can be used to open new doors in the hub world and create new rooms for the player to enter. Sometimes normal enemy's as well as Boss fights will drop a card that can be added into Sora's deck, aquiring the special abilities that these enemies possess. Other than defeated enemies, cards can be found in chests and lying around.
In order to enjoy the game, the player will have:
  1. Constantly update the deck
  2. Make fast Maths in their head while dodging upcomming attacks
  3. Make good use of their given hands.
The cards themselves come in various colours and indicate different abilities. The Red cards are focussed on mellee combat where the attacks are done by swinging the keyblade. The Blue cards are mainly cards that contain spell such as fire, blizzard stopza etc. Blue cards with Disney heroes summoned the character depictioned who will temporarilly appear and deal certain attack or certain summoned items such as health orbs by Bamby deer. The Green cards make use of items, such as potions, elixirs and others such as reload a cards used. Similary to blue cards, the green cards also have random heroes depictioned which will be summoned when the players activate them. There are plenty of other cards that do not nessessarily do damage but instead cause a status buff. For example there are cards that can increase melee attacks, magical attacks and others.

Worlds and level design

Unlike the previous games Chain of memories' worlds are very different. First things first there are two version. The Gba version, displays the beloved disney and original worlds in a nice 8-bit style. The wolds are small boxes and they re interconnected by doors that the player will have to open. The music of the game is honestly really good as the 8-bit version of songs are really chill and sound very good in the hand held.
The ReChain of Memories game which was the remastered borrowed alot of textures and animations from the original game Kingdom hearts 1. The game follows the same logic where the heroes move inside small interconnected boxes and open doors left and right in order to discover whats behind them. Some doors hide enemies , other doors have alot of loot inside boxes and others have save points. Yet again all the worlds are very similar to the first game however they re smaller and have way less space for the players to discover. This is because the worlds are based from Sora's memories and thus they wont look as detailed as their original counter parts. Furthermore, the locations dont have many hidden secrets and re very straight forwards. A small minimap can be seen top right that indicates where the player's can explore.

Riku Vs riku

Final Thoughts

Overall Kingdom hearts Chain of memories was game that came up with possitive reviews but began the fact that important lore pieces can be found in different consoles. The game was very different than kingdom hearts 1, not only because it was originally on the Game boy advance but because it changed the combat from real time combat into a real time combat based on cards. The game till this day is the only game that used the cards as it's main combat mechanic. The story of kingdom hearts ReChain of Memories is very interesting with unique character moments that became iconic for the series and characters who made a comeback in later entries . The combat of the game was very unique, simple and vastly different from any other entry of the series. The graphics and music are absolutely on point in any version of the game, both the 8bit Gba style and the remaster ps2/3/4 versions. The maps are very well design in both 8 bit and in game graphics. The game is mainly voice acted in the remaster versions as the ps2 could handle them but also has a few on it's gba counter part. Cutscenes exist in both games where yet again the ps2 has significally more. It should also be noted how this is the first game where another character is playable other than Sora and that is Riku. Although the gameplay is still based on the card system, Riku's animations are vastly different than Sora's. The game's remaster version was critisized by a few people for making the game a bit hard to play in comparison to the Gba version as the 3D space made it harder than the old 2D version. Anyone whishing to play the game might as well buy any of the Bundles (Story so far/All in one) in order to enjoy the game in their console of preference, unless they wish to experience the original game in which they should look for the Gba version.

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