Kingdom Hearts II


About the Game

Kingdom Hearts II is the third installment of the series as Kingdom hearts 1 and Kingdom hearts Chain of memories were released before Kingdom hearts II. The game was once again developed by Square Enix or previously known Square soft and it was released in 2005 for the Ps2 console which is where it stayed as the game was only able to run in the Playstation. The game was heavily praised for combinning the magic of Disney with the action of Final fantasy yet again into this amazing adventure. The ps2 also received the final mix version which was japan only very similar to Kingdom hearts 1 final mix. The game remain on the Ps2 through out the years. An extended remaster (or previously known final mix) called Kingdom hearts 2.5 was released in Octomber 2014 for the ps3. The 2.5 version of the game included the remaster/extended version of the psp game Kingdom hearts: Birth by Sleep and the game called Kingdom hearts ReCoded a DS game, however unlike the others the game is in the form of render Cutscenes. 2.5 was also released as a bundle with 1.5(a similar bundle made for Kh1) in a new bundle called Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5, yet again in a new bundle called Kingdom hearts: The story so far (1.5,2.5 +2.8) and finaly its inlcuded in the Kingdom hearts All in one bundle (a bundle which also included Kh3). The all in one bundle was released for the rest consoles such as Xbox,Pc and switch as cloud. The game's ps2-ps3-ps4 version have graphical changes and better loading screens. Furthermore Kh 2 final mix version includes alot of extra boss batlles and cinematics that were scratch off from the original game as the developers didnt have time to imply it before the deadline of the shipment.

Whats is Kingdom Hearts?(no spoilers)

Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix employee who is known for working on final fantasy vii. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover between Square Enix and Disney based in a fictional universe. The main character Sora, and his friends Donald Duck and Goofy journey around various Disney , Pixar and originally designed worlds.They battle the heartless and various creatures of darkness in order to save the world from the darkness. Throughout their Journey they make new friends along the way, characters from the disney world they visit and various final fantasy heroes. The series consists of thirteen games , and with the release of Kingdom hearts III in 2019 and The Remind DLC 2020, the game finaly concluded it's first saga known as the Xehanort Dark arc. After the events of the Remind DLC (2020), the game released Kingdom hearts Melody of memory which prepared th stage for the next game. In 2022 Kingdom hearts 4 was revealed alongside a new app game . The series are well received from the public although sometimes its beeing critisize for its bizzare story telling. The main issue of the series was the fact that all the games add to one story, however they re split to multiple platoforms such as Ps2,psp,ps4,Android,gba and the Ds. Square Enix though realised the mess they made and the remastered the games and released them as collections for ps4 and xbox. A wide variety of related merchandise has been released along with the games, including Cds with the soundtracks of the series,multiple figurines,plushies,clothing ,companion books(guides,artbooks), light novels, a collectible card game, manga series(by Akira Amano) and potentially an upcoming TV series.

Story of the Game (Minor Spoilers for 2 and spoilers for the ending of Kh1 and chain of)

Game's iconic fight
Kingdom hearts 2 has a relatively easy to follow story, however there was plenty of confusion made due to the fact that the game is called 2, but is infact the third entry. To elaborate at the end of Kingdom Hearts 1, Sora Donald amd Goofy wake up in a new area and see Pluto once again with a letter sent by King Mickey. Kairi is back in Destiny Islands waiting for Sora to return and Riku trapped in the darkness with the king. Normaly someone would expect Kh2 to continue from here, however it does not as Sora does not start as the playable hero and when Sora iis back he and his friends were asleep in a slumper. This is because in Chain of Memory (the Game Boy advance(gba)) game has the heroes chasing Pluto into a magical castle called Castle Oblivion. The gba game introduced new enemies wearing hooded long robes known as the Organization XIII. The game concluded with Sora and friends having false memories that are constantly interlapping with the real ones.Namine, a main plot character promised Sora that she will return Sora's real memories in order to remember who he is which will come with two consequences. The first one being that they will all forget the events of Chain of Memories and that the heroes will fall into deep slumber. She also noded as some memories will take longer to come back as they lurk in the shadows.

With that being said Kingdom hearts 2 prologue introduces the player to Roxas, a keyblade user living in Twilighth town. Roxas is Sora's nobody. Nobodies is the new type of enemies introduced in Kh2. In the world of kingdom hearts if someone dies by a heartless or have their hearts fallen into darkness become heartless themselves. However, special individuals get to keep their bodies(not their hearts) and roam around in search of their identity. In order to become whole again, the heartless of the individual and the nobody have to fall by the lihgt to form a somebody During the final chapters of Kh1, Sora was forced to stab himself in order to release Kairi's Heart from withiin him. By doing so he allowed himself to drop into the darkness and becomming a heartless, the player then as a heartless Sora moved around to find his friends and with the help of Kairis light powers he became himself again. The sequel mentions that when Sora stabbed himself, since he was special he had a Nobody born somewhere else. Roxas' story and character development was mainly seen in the game Kingdom hearts 358/2 which confusingly enough came after Kh2, and thus any1 playing Kh2 were heavily confused from this prologue. Needless to say the prologue briefly introduced Roxas and Axel, alongside the twilight friends and the nobodies. The prologue ends by having Roxas becomming one with Sora, thus returning all his memories and some new(Roxas's) back to Sora who wakes up alongside Donald and Goofy.
The heroes were sleeping for approximately one year and they wake up confused as to how come the heartless still exist seeing how the door to darkness was sealed in Kingdom hearts 1. The heroes were ambushed by new enemies however a quick king Mickey drops and rescues everyone, hands them a wallet and told them to get on the train before he runned away. Sora recalls King Mickey being trapped in the darkness with Riku however since they ve seen him he gains hope that his friend Riku also escaped the darkness. The train lead them to the tower of a powerfull sorcerer, Yensid. Yensid welcomes the heroes and explains the heroes of what occured during the year past and also explains why darkness still exist. He explains how the heroes act did help alot by preventing the heartless numbers but as long as people have evil in their heart heartless will always exist. He also introduced the concept of nobodies to them and their two forms. Dusk, which will be their standard form and ofcourse the ones called the Organization XIII, Nobodies capable of thinking, making plans and work towards a goal. Sora then proceeds to obtain new clothes which came with the power of duel wielding Keyblade.

The quest, and the story that will follow has the heroes visiting new Disney worlds in order to:

  1. Protect them from enemy heartless and seal the worlds keyhole
  2. Find Riku and return to Destiny islands to reunite with Kairi.
  3. Help the King to find clues about the Nobodies
  4. Stop the Organization XIII
Needless to say the organization Xiii members have their own plans that include Sora and will try to use him for their own. Another important factor from the gba game is that the organization members are aware that there former team member Roxas Was Sora's nobody and thus they have another reason as to why they need Sora's keyblade powers. Furthermore, the organization has more enemies than just our heroes as some members decided to betray the organization or simply are using the organization in order to do their own projects and have a secured cover under the organization. Roxas and Sora have another encounter with each other as Roxas is not happy with simply being a Nobody and leave Sora as the somebody. Kairi and Riku also play a significant role in the game as Riku has always been with Sora in his own way.

The story of the game is one of the best stand alone Kingdom hearts stories as not everything and eveyone have a happy ending as of now. Some people pressumably reach the end of their tales which may or may not be happy. Nevertheless the game is fully voice acted with every actor reprising their roles including most of the disney characters with the exceptioncof the disney IPs based on the real world such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron. The games also has the speech bubbles that the first one had however the majority of them are for optional dialogues and for help in case someone is lost. The graphicks and animations have been significally updated making the game far more beatiful than its predessecor. The game has plenty of in game graphic cutscenes and plenty of CGI cutscenes. First to the game is the inclusion of quick time events where cutscenes occur and the player is tasked to press the right button in order for his character to do something specific in a cutscene.

NOTE: Each Kingdom hearts game has it's story completely finished, meanning that anyone who plays the game will enjoy an entire 40hours story mode with an ending that satisfies the player but also leaves the door open for more to come. The majority of the questions asked, have been answered through the game however other questions were answered or revealed in other games such as the perviously mentioned 358/2 Days which includes all the Roxas stuff. The game beatifully reintroduces the player to the main cast, the beatiful Disney worlds that some return some dont, worlds originally designed for the game and plenty of iconic characters. The music of the game is top tier, as some are the iconic Disney tunes such as The OST of Pirates of Caribbean and others that were originally made by Square Enix. Kingdom hearts music is undenyably top tier, as since the games initial release there have been a plethera of sold out concert events called Kingdom Hearts Orchestra where the band plays the songs melody. Also in 2020 the Developer team made a rythm game Melody of Memory which put multiple of songs in to create a full on Game. The game's story mode is delivered mainly through fully voice acted cutscenes made within the game and a few that are delivered through dialogue speech boxes. There are a few CGI cutscemes but the majority is in game engine scenes. Furthermore, a common factor was that players used to get lost in KH1 which is something fixed in Kh2. The players can interact with any NPC around the map in order for them to tell the hero go there. For example, Donald will say Check Bella in her room to the right or go look for Simpa in the caves.


Sora and crew at Xemnas Sora and crew at Xemnas
The game focusses on Sora and his friends who visit various Disney worlds helping who ever needs their help, while at the same time trying to find Riku,help king Mickey and stop the Nobodies. The players get Control of Sora, a young boy who was chosen to yield the iconic Keybalde. New to Kingdom hearts 2 was also the introduction of Roxas as another playable hero, who played similar to Sora but with his own animations. The game is an action role playing game which combines real-time combat, quick commands and RPG elements that boost the status of heroes. The Kingdom hearts series have also been referred to as Hack and slash RPG games as certain difficlties are too easy(usually up to Normal) and mashing attack usually works. Kingdom Hearts 2 though proved the fact that casually pressing the attack command will not win a boss battle or an encounter with plenty of enemies. When the heroes visit a new world, the players are free to manuver around and explore the areas. Each map consist of various items such as power up materials and chests containning various of items. Sora is able to walk around, jump and double jump to reach higher areas and glide(after a certain point) to reach further locations. The player's party consist of three heroes, Sora Donald and Goofy. Each time a world is visited the player can swap one between Donald or Goofy in order for a new party member to join. This member is in regards to the world they visited, EG. Simpa, Jack Sparrow, Cloud Strife etc.

The combat of the game is fun and flashy. The player can equip their skill points to increase their combos, their damage and their overall status. Sora can hit the enemies with his keyblade and his ability to cast magic.

Close Combat is mainly achieved through the keyblade. Mashing the attack button will allow Sora to hit his nearby enemies. The close combat of Kingdom hearts 2 is vastly superior than Kingdom hearts 1 and in fact, the kingdom hearts community love to argue whether or not the basic combat of Kh2 is better than the one found in Kh3. Sora's basic combos are flashy and very cool looking The player can equip new powers to extend the combo by spending their AP point very similar to the first one. By extending combos, Sora can start attacking enemies on the ground and then launch them in the sky in order to proceed with aerial combos. The player can further these combos by adding various finishes that might knockdown heartless or even gather them close to him through the power of magnet and strike them down. The game itself offers a fair amount of enemies for Sora to fight on ground or in air.

Maleficent Final Boss custom Pic

For Long range attacks Sora can use his magic abilities. Magic is slowly obtain while playing the game. They re part of the main game and thus when the time is right it will be given to the player. These spells can be activated by manuvering in the command menu (bottom left), selecting the option Magic and which spell is to be catsed. The second and more efficient way is to use controller shorcuts to simply press a button to open the quick command magic menu and press any of the buttons responsible for a spell. The spells require MP Bar(magic/mana bar) which is located around Sora's portrait in blue color. Each time a spell is cast the bar will be reduced and the spell of cure (which is health increase) will consume all the bar. A projectile spell is ice and thunder which are attacks shot towards certain enemies(locked on). This time around the spell of fire is not a projectile and infact it creates a ring around Sora Very similar to how the aero spell used to be in Kh1 with the exception of the fact that the spell wont last as long. New spells were also added to the game such as reflect which is an efficient defensive spell which also deals a heavy ammount of damage. Some spells evolve into a better versions of themselves when leveling up. Projectile attacks can also happen with the keyblade given that the player enchances Sora's ability with the keyblade thrown attack.
Note: the skills of the party members can also be swapped by the player.
Another way of using skills is through the power of Summons. Summons are Disney heroes that join Sora during the fight. By manuvering into the command menu, there is an option of Summons. Summons this time around do not require MP but instead they require Drive Gauge, which is represented with yellow. When the summon is cast, a cinematic occurs of the hero being summoned and each does its own thing. Tinker bell drops orbs for aora, Gennie joins Sora to fight by using spells an others do their own things whether to give temporar status boost, simply join the battle or help the player gain more items. When enemies are defeated and when items are broken they drop four types of orbs. The green orbs are absorbed for healling and blue for MP restorations. The third thing is not spheres, but weird shapes that can be potions, items and other usable options. The fourth and new item is yellow crystals which are used to refill the drive Gauge. The size of the item represents the ammount, the bigger the better.

A new inclusion to the game is the Drive forms. This is a new concept that was beloved by the majority and something that was missed from the third installment by casual fans. Drive forms require the player to use their Drive gauge. Drives are the go to to anyone who wishes to defeat the enemies within a short period of time. The drive forms also change Sora's attack patterns significally while looking flashy and cool. Each form when mastered unlock new abilities. Mastering a form requires the player to kill enemies while in a certain form. The game has six different forms with their own uniqie patterns and each of them are unlocked through the story mode.

  1. Valor Forms
  2. Valor form requires Goofy to be in the party in order to fuse with Sora. The form specializes in Physical attacks. The form has Sora double wielding keyblades and also when fully leveled up unlocks the High Jump ability
  3. Wisdom Form
  4. The Wisdom form requires Donald to be in the party in order to fuse with Sora. The form specializes in Magic attacks. The form uses magical blasts instead of normal mellee attacks. In this form Sora moves around by skating instead of walking. When mastered the form unlocks fast movement by air sliding.
  5. Limit Form
  6. The only form that doesnt requires members. The form looks like Kh1 Sora and also uses skills from Kh1 such as Sonic Rave which grants invisible frams. When mastered the form unlocks dodge roll ability.
  7. Master Form
  8. The form requires both Donald and Goofy as it fuses the powers of Valor and Wisdom forms. The form has Sora using one Keyblade on his arm while the other moves around him with magic. The form is suitable for aerial battles that combine heavy hits and magic. When mastered it unlocks the aerial dodge ability
  9. Anti Form
  10. The form requires both Donald and Goofy and represents the darkness of Sora. The player cannot manually select the form and its radomly chosen when the form will 'fail'. The form acts as a punishment towards the player for abusing the form abilities. The player cannot use magic and only use mellee attacks.
  11. Final Form
  12. The form requires both Donald and Goofy as it unleashes Sora's ultimate form. The form has Sora using two Keyblades with telekinisis. The attacks consist of Magic blows and physical attacks that deal heavy ammount of damage. Dodging and jumping also deals damage when used. When mastered the form unlocks the gliding ability
Each time the player clears a map the Party is given a different keychain that Sora can use to change the keyblade. In other words, its a different weapon. Each weapon has it's own stats such as Attack, defence and others. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they key with the highest numbers is nesessarily the better one because each key has it's own passive ability. For example a blade may increase the strength of the first strike, another one may be better in aerial combat, another one increassing the power of certain spell, HP orb drop rates and so on. It is recommended to always read what each keyblade offers extra other than the typical number change. Since Sora is capable of duel wielding the player can equip a second keyblade to Sora's arsenal.
Last but not least kingdom hearts 2 implemented quick time events and reaction commands. Quick time events are literally cutscenes that can be triggered within a game ( usually in battles ) that has button pop ups that the player has to press in order to attack other people. In the case of missing an input the cutscene will end with the hero defeated or by loosing a great amount of health. Quick time events also deal great ammount of damage to some opponent and in some case are needed in order to finish off an oponent. On the other hand Reaction commands are commands that the player can press without the need to press any other button. For example, while fighting an enemy such as the dusk, the reaction command may appear that when pressed will allow Sora to slide behind the dusk in order to deal damage from behind. Other areas requires the player to interact with the environment in order to get the upper hand of the battle. In the world of Mulan for example, Sora can ride the wind literally to help him reach higher grounds. Reaction commands in collaboration with the MP bar and heroes (Disney or Donald/Goofy) will trigger a cinematic attack that will deal a great ammount of damage with the cost of the entire magic bar.

Gummi Ship

The final new gameplay element is the Gummi ship. The gummi ship is the way Sora and party move from planet to planet. Each time that the player visits a new world they re require to play through a level of the gummi ship before unlocking the fast travel. In the first game the Gummi was literally the one bad thing that someone had the right to say so even though they were not as much impactfull to the game. This time around Square Enix did receive the feedback of the first game and made sure that not only would the Gummi ship made its comeback, it would also be on of the best part of the game. In fact the game developers knew that the new and improved Gummi ship sections were going to be possitivelly received and found a way to implement it in the final boss battle as one of the main Boss phases. The Gummi ship moves by the game however the player can move around within the area in high speeds. The player can shoot enemies, meteors like in the first game while at the same time dodging plenty of upcomming attacks. The player can shoot towards the enemies in two ways. Using the ships bullets and the ships lock on attack that will deal more damage and AoE damage. Items can be found by crushing enemies, boxes and other. Healthbars can drop left and right in order to heal it self. The game also implemented boss battles that the player needs to overcome in order to reach a planet. very similar to the first game, a finished Gummi ship section can always be skipped when revisiting an older world. The players are given the option to create their own ship through an editor. The editor has materials that can be obtained from chests, from shops and for treassure during a gummi ship section. Take this with a grain of salt, but if not mistaken, a new team which worked on a ps1 flying game was hired to developed these sections

Worlds and level design

custom Pic custom Pic
As mentioned above the game focuses on Sora and crew as they move in around the cosmos visiting worlds one after another. Some of the worlds are originally designed by Square Enix themselves while the others were designed by Square Enix however, they re based on their Disney movie counter parts. For example, the Radiant Gardens is an original area designed by SqE but worlds like Atlantica and Lion King are based on their movies (Little Marmaid and Lion King). The worlds of Kingdom hearts 2 are small sandboxes that combine each part with another. This time around the maps make it clear as to where to go and so the player cannot get lost which was something critisized in the past. The game also has the map of the world accessible almost instantly when landing in a new world. Each time the player visits and area they have their appearance change in order to look as if they re of this world and not outsiders, in order to protect the world order. For example, in Hollow Bastion the heroes look like themselves however when visiting a world like Atlantica, Sora becomes a marmaid man, Goofy a turtle and Donald Duck an octapus. This is a beatiful way to show new forms for the heroes to match the world. Nightmare forms (Nightmare before Christmas) look scary and it's very interesting how they swap forms yet again when visiting the Christmas counterpart of the same world. Another great change is in the Lion king where Sora swaps into a literal tiger and has to fight heartless and bosses. It should also be mentioned how the enemies also receive the same treatment which enchances the games beauty. To elaborate heartless appearring in the lion king look more like real animals found in that world, where as in the Caribbean they look more like pirates. The levels themselves have also their own unique design and gameplay elements, such as Mulan's wind ride, Lion kings literal animal combat or even Tron's motorcycle combat. All the worlds have plenty of checkpoints (Save clouds) that the player can use to save their progress. Save spot is where the player will respawn or acess when teleporting back in the map. There are also plenty of locations where hidden chests are. Some require a small puzzle to be solved while others require the player's observation skills.

Collectables - Post Game content

The game has a few collectables for the player to collect. These collectables do not include the keyblades and summons, as most of them are given to the player through the Story. These are:

  1. Atlantica
  2. Unlike before, the world of Atlantica is not a typical world but instead a collection of cutscenes (that tell the story) and minigames of multiple tracks. The song with a cutscene plays in the background and the player has to tap the button. Very similar to how Kindom Hearts MoM plays 15 years after Kh2.
  3. Torn Pages of Lost Arc Woods
  4. The Wizard Merlin request Sora to collect some of his lost pages that can be fused with his book yet again. This book consist the story of Winnie the Pooh bear and his friends. The world of Pooh bear has it's own unique story but plays nothing like the rest as there are no enemies. Infact the levels of this world are mainly used for minigames.
  5. Data Battles
  6. This is a room filled with doors that have a huge ammount of boss battles to fight againts. These doors have organisation members hidden behind of them. Defeating them all unlocks the ultimate final secret boss of the game, the notoriously known Lingering Will
  7. Mushroom Heartless
  8. These mushroom shaped heartless appear in random locations around the worlds and each have their own minigame. The mushroom rewards the players with plenty of items.
  9. Underworld Coliseum Cup
  10. The Hercules world which held tournaments in the past returns, however this time the tournaments are being held by Hades. There are plenty of tournaments unlocked when other ones are defeated. Tournaments this time around have their own unique aspects such as, who will have more orbs at the end of the game, have unlimited drive or win within time.
  11. Trons World
  12. The Trons world has a minigame where the player drives the bike around and fight off various monsters.
  13. Skateboad
  14. Almost all the maps have a skateboard that Sora can used to move around in speed and to fight enemies in style. In fact there are also minigames that require the player to use the skateboard to deal tricks or collect items.
After the player defeats the final boss, a number of secrets boss encounters will become available. These bosses are harder than others and some require mechanicks. As mentioned above some are available inside the data battles while others in the Colloseum. Two battles, Lingering Wills and Sephiroth have their own battle with their own unique lore pieces.

Final Thoughts

trio in destiny Island

Overall Kingdom hearts II was game that came up with possitive reviews and began the confusing journey that would become the Kingdom hearts Lore. The game was heavily improved from kindom hearts 1 introducing new mechanicks and new concepts while also improving on its combat system. The game till this day is consider by some the superior game of all the 12 Kingdom hearts entries, while others believe it is Kingdom hearts III. Seeing how a ps2 game still gets Ps4 remasters it shows that the game definetely surpassed the test of time as people still talk about the game and people still play the game till this day(17 years as of the writting of this.) The story of kingdom hearts 2 is very interesting with amazing character moments that became iconic for the series. The combat of the game was very polished, simple and vastly different from the original one. The gummi ship gameplay showed that yes, Square Enix heart the complains in regards to it and thus the sequel made sure that if the two gummi ships game sections are placed next to each other, nobody would be able to say it is the same game. The graphics and music are absolutely on point with alot of iconic disney and orginal songs. He is a pirate, This is halloween, Tension rising and Sanctuary are songs that people remember and love. The maps are very well design with unique locations everywhere and different mechanics left and right such as the previously mentioned Sora tiger form. All the maps also include skateboards for the player to move around in style. The game is mainly voice acted with only a few instances where speech-bubbles appeared. If the player gets lost an interaction with any NPC will pin point the location the player should go. The upgrades that Sora receive are usefull and the players can always choose where to spent their AP points. The boss battles are challenging and requires alot of attention to detail in order to survive. The collectables are hidden everywhere and the players should try to pay attention of their whereabouts as collecting them may reward them with Gems that re needed in order to form Kingdom Hearts 2.5 ultimate weapon the ultima.

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