Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about time

Game's cover

About the Game

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about time is the latest entry of everyobody's favorite bandicoot Crash. The game is the eight entry of the series and about time is the sequel to the Insane trilogy. In other words, timewise it takes place after the events of Crash Bandicoot 3: Wraped. The game was once again developed by Toys for Bob and was published by Activision in October 2020 for the Playstation 4 and XBox One. Few months later the game was released for the next gen consoles (free upgrade for the Ps4/Xbox one owners), for the Nintendo switch and also for Windows. After having the task of remastering the original trilogy Toys for Bob felt confident on creating a new experience and seeing how the first was well received they were soon given the green light to work on a brand new game.

Upon it's release the game was heavily praised as it manage to not only keep the formula of the original but also for implementing new game mechanicks. Furthermore, the story of the game was also mentioned as the developers manage to create a story that felt close to the original series with it's unique tone, characters and plot. Moreover the game introduced more playable heroes who were possitevely received. Additionaly the level design and the music was also praised for feeling very original and unique. Last but not least this is the first Crash Bandicoot game that also included local Multiplayer.(not including the car racing games) About time sales made a record for the franchise and was nominated for a few game awards in 2020.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about time can only be purchased digitally and physically. Digitally the Game can be purchased within the same bundle that includes otherrecent Crash games such as

Story of the Game

Game's Heroes
Crash Bandicoot 4 it's about time picks the story exactly where Crash Bandicoot 3 Wraped left the players. The heroes simply chilling around the land while the major three villains, Dr Neo Cortex, N.Tropy and Uka Uka being trapped away in the past. The bad scientist are now matured and back to their iconic looks and they fight each other as they stayed trapped for more than 20 years. (1998 when wraped was released ) The mask though Uka Uka never gave up hope and constantly tried to open a time rift to set themselves free. One of his attemps manage to open a portal back to their world(space and time) however in doing so he was completely drained. N.Tropy suggests Neo Cortex to abandoned the mask and escape themselves just the two of them. This act of Uka uka managed to create a chaos within the multiverse. Crash, his sister Coco and Aku Aku become aware of this issue since they came across a new designed mask known as Lali-loli, one of the newly deisgned Four Quantum Masks. Aku aku and Lani Loli freak out as Lani was meant to be asleep. According to him there seems to be a problem within the multiverse and thus he and his brothers and sisters have been awaken from their slumber.

The mask then proceeds to set the plot for the heroes. In order to fix the problem with the timeline, Lali-Loli explains how they need to find his brothers and sisters in order for them to close the portals and restore balance. On the other hand, Dr. Neo Cortex and N.Tropy they try to create a machine that will allow them to conquer the multiverse. Dr. Neo Cortex brings aboard his two (iconic) minions in order to prevent the bandicoots from ruinning their plans. At the same time N.Tropy has his own plans that do not include Cortex on his side. Simultaneously Crash's ex-girlfriend Tawna is back with a new look and she came from an alternative universe in order to help her friends as she realized that there was something wrong happenning. Very similary with Tawna, another familiar character Dingodile also made his way to this timeline but does not wish to fight againts the heroes but instead he wishes to join them in order to make his way back home.

Thought on the Story

The story of the game is really good and fully voice acted. Unlike the past iterations, Crash Bandicoot 4 It's about time is a brand new game made in the recent era, it is not a remaster not a remake. The cast all got a new make over which stays close to their original design but they re way more expressive. in all the cutscenes. Crash's personality shines throughout the scenes duo to it's humorous scenes and it's cartoonish appeal. Tawna's new look is very different than her original look and her overall character development is really good as she represents a new type of bandicoot 'badass'. Furthermore, the masks are all newly designed and very different that the traditional Aku Aku and Uka uka. Their power up abilities are kind of 'generic' in 2022 but it doesnt mean that the game doesn't use them properly and make them fun to use.


Game's map
Crash Bandicoot games are notoriously known for beeing extremely difficult and punishing. Everything out there is made with the cause of killing poor little Crash. After the story "kicks off" the game will place Crash in the hub world where the player can walk around and choose levels for him to play. Once a map is cleared a gate will link to another allowing the player to experience a new. In comparison to the insane trilogy, the game has plenty of levels for the players to enjoy. Crash Bandicoot 4 It's about time has a total of 43 levels. Each level upon completion unlocks another version of it that is played in reverse making the over all total to 86. The game also includes 21 challenge levels which more of them will be down in the collectables. once the players choose the level of preference, they'll drop straight to the gameplay. The levels are filled with various enemies that are capable of one shoting Crash. At the same time all of the maps have various of items that can also kill the player with one hit. To elaborate some levels have spikes, fire, electricity, crushing pillars, toxic waters and plenty of others. Last but not least in almost every map there are never ending holes that drop the players down to their demise.

Simultaneously there are items that help (in a way) Crash on his missions. All the maps have Wumpa fruits. Collecting 100 of Wumpa fruits rewards Crash with one extra life (1-Up) and generally increases Crash's overall score. The wumpa fruits can be found out in the wild or within crates. There's various of crates:

New to the game is the fact that whilst playing a level, something will occur to open the path for the players and in order to know what occured they ll have to play the extra level unlocked which will allow them to play the story from the POV of a different hero who lead to the triggering of that certain event.
For the first time the players get control of five different heroes. Crash, Coco, Tawna, Dingodile and Dr neo Cortex. Crash and Coco are identical to each other but the other three are way more different.

Crash and Coco move around in 3D environments with potentially some 2D patrts implemented in them. Crash/Coco are capable of jump and double jump to reach higher areas. A third jump becomes available after the first end of the game. The height of the jump is based on the ammount that the button was held. A simple tap will cause a small jumb and holding it down is greater. Jumping ontop of a crate and pressing X at the timing right before smashing the box will allow the any of the heroes to reach higher height. In order to take down enemies, the heroes can jump on the enemies (given they do not have dangerous items on their heads) or using the attack button. Each player has their own unique attack. Crash,Coco and Dingodile have a spin attack that looks similar, Tawna has a kick and Dr Neo Cortex shoots his blaster gun. The playable heroes also have a stomp attack that can be used to jump on top of them. Coco and Crash are capable of slide jumping which can cause them to jump higher this is only exclusive to them as the others cannot use the crouch or slide movement. In contrast, Tawna is the only playable hero who can use wall bounce on certain surfaces and also use her laso in order to smash crates away or pull herself towards an area. Dingodile is carrying a vacuum cleaner which he can use to absorb crates with Wumpa fruits. He can also use it to make TNTs stuck on the vacuum which he can direct towards enemies or walls filled with explosives. Furthermore, Dingodile does not have a double jump, but he can use his cleaner downwards to allow him to elevate for while whilst on air. Finaly, Dr Neo Cortex does not have a double jump nor the ability to elevate. He is the only character capable of dodging. With the tap of the button Cortex moves forward to avoid or reach certain distances. For attack as mentioned he is using his blaster which transforms the enemies into platforms. One shot will transform the enemies into a rocky platform and reshooting it will make them into Jello which he can use to bounce. Shooting them a third time will revert them back to their enemy form.
Game's map

Game over can occur only when the players lose all of their lives. to keep track of the lives and Wumpa fruits the players can press the button responding to the Ui.

About time makes a huge deal out of all the masks and thus they re implemented into the core gameplay. First things first, the game brings back Aku-Aku. He can be obtained from a crate with his face or simply obtaining him from dying multiple times. He appears next to the hero and acts as a second chance. For example, being hit while equiped with Aku will cause him to leave and spare the player. One shot traps will most likely ignore Aku and simply kill the player. Aku-Aku has three forms.
  1. Single:Allows for one extra hit
  2. Double:Allows for two extra hits. Obtained when the player gets Aku-Aku when already equiped with one. Represented with a shiny version of Aku.
  3. Triple: makes Crash invicible for a short period of time. Any enemy hit whilst invicible will die and the traps wont damage Crash. The only way of dying is cliffs. Represented with shiny Crash.
The four Quantum masks also help the player and they appear in random levels designed to use the certain mask/masks. These masks are:
Blue Mask
The level will be designed to have blue location fade out. With the power of the mask, these locations will become playable whilst others wont. For example , There are 2 floating platfroms, one normal one faded out. When the mask is used these two will swap status.
Yellow Mask
The yellow mask is capable of slowing down time. This allows the player to step on the green TNT and stop any projectiles to use them as platforms or simply dodge them.
Green Mask
The green mask changes the players gravity. this will allow them to walk on the sealing avoiding any danger found below
Purple Mask
This mask allows the hero to spin out of control. While spinning everything breaks and projectile attacks are redirected. If the players jump, they will be capable of hovering.

Game's map

Post game Content, Multiplayer and Collectables

Time trials.
The relics challenges are available once a level is cleared. Selecting the level again will have a crate with a clock on top of it that upon breaking will set of a timer. The players are tasked to finish the level within a certain time limit. The crates found in the level remain the same, however some of them instead of being one of those mentioned above have a certain number of them. These crates will freeze the timer for as many seconds as the crates depictioned.
Flashback tapes
These tapes are collectables found within a level. Once collected, the player can access a flashback level which represent the tasks that Crash had gone through when Dr. neo cortex made him. There is a total of 21 levels.
The only collectable that the game has is skins. Both Crash and coco can obtain skins by clearing certain levels with certain tasks. For example at the end of each level the player receives a feedback. This how many times they ve died, how many fruits they obtained, how many crates they broke and whether or not they found asecret gem. Below the feedback there is a skin which will have been unlocked given the playes has completed their tasks.
the game has two local multiplayer game modes. Time Challenge and Crate. In time challenge the players compete one at a time to reach a checkpoint whilst crashing crates with time (similar to trials). Once a checkpoint is reached the second player gets to go. If someone fails to reach a checkpoint they lose. Crates on the other hand allows the playes to smash crates. the one who smashed the most is declared the winner. The pvp allows up to 4 players to compete. the heroes available are Crash, Coco, fake Crash and Fake Coco.


Overall Crash Bandicoot 4 It's about time is a great sequel to the original Trilogy. The developers crafted a great game from the scratch which captures the magic of the game. The charactes, the level design, the music even story is crafted with care and attention to detail. The game is very challenging and requires time to be completed. the user interface allowed the game to become slighlty easier such as adding a glowing circle below crash visibly showing the players where they will land(before 4 this was done from looking at crash's shadow.) The 3 new playable heroes are very different and add a greater experience for the gameplat. moreover, the game adds game sections found in the old account such as sprinting away from danger, riding mounts and using certain powers in certain location. the addition of the multiplayer, even just local was a great addition. Completing the game to its 100% is very challenging and it rewards the player with a secret ending which leaves an oppening for a next installment whenever that is decided.

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