

About the Game

Ghostrunner was an indie first person hack and slash game with emphasis on platforming first developed in 2020. Someone could say that Ghostrunner is the result from the combination of the Doom series and the trending of surfing games such as CSGO and clustertuck. These games were very popular back in the day with many Youtube commentary channels. To elaborate the game is quick paced very similar to the Doom series where momentum only benefits the player and the surfing part comes from the platforming where the movement is so smooth that the player feels like they re just running through without any difficulty, in a course that one mistake caused by slow speed or early jump will most likely lead to a death. Ghostrunner was developed by the colaboration of two indie studios, One more Level and Slipgate Ironworks. The game was published by All In games and a limited physical release by 505 Games. The game was released in October 2020. The original Ghostrunner passed under the radar of many duo to the fact that 2020 had a gigantic release of "collosal games" such as Ghost of tsushima, last of us part Two, Final fantasy Vii remake,Spiderman Miles Morales and Sackboy a big adventure just top name a few. Despite all that the game manage to eastablished a fanbase on its own whether through its fun gameplay or through the speedrun communities. Furthermore, the developers expand the experience of Ghostrunner by releasing a DLC. The next gen consoles Ps5 and Xbox Series X had their own release a year later in 2021.

In 2022, the developers announced that a sequel was planned which would continue the story of the heroes after the events of the first title. The game would once again developed by One more Level alone and would be published by 505 Games who purchased the IP and currently own it. With the sequel the developers wanted to make some core changes and make the sequel feel worhty of the legacy left by the original. In September 2023 the game had its demo released which was positevely received and a month later in October the game was released. Ghostrunner 2 was once again praised for innovating its gameplay and this was shown by all its positive feedback from criticks and fans alike. Last but not least the games performance earned it a nomination for best action game of 2023 which was earned by Legends of Zelda Tears of Kingdom.

The game only had a standard physical release with some bonus in game features for those who preorder it or paid extra.


Story (Minor Spoilers)

Ghostrunner 2 is the direct sequel to Ghostrunner (2020) and takes place one year after the events of the first one. For any newcommer there is nothing to worry about as the developers went out of their way to add a story recap option in the title screen that pretty much sums up the story of the original in a small cinematic clip. The clip does an okay job reminding the old players about the Ghostrunner's adventure and the setting of the world. For the newcommers, its does a decent job to make them grasp the idea of this game.

As mentioned a year after the first game and the fall of the tower many cults are fighting amongs them to established a new powerhouse and a new leadership. A group called the Climbers reactivate Jack the last Ghostrunner with whom we defeated the tower last time. The climbers is a small group of rebels who want to established a new order by stoping the big powerhouses. Their plans brings them face to face with Hammer, a new group which recently rosed to power and it seems to be an unstoppable. The group learns that some of the members in Hammer are infact ghostrunners and that Jack is no longer the last one. These new ghostrunners revive their leader Mitra. The group of ghostrunners refer to themeselves as the Asuras.

Through a couple of missions Jack and the climbers learn that the Asuras were the first ever Ghostrunner who defied their masters and went rogue. Their threat is intense as they do not know what to expect from them and they were never seen before to know what to theorize/ strategize againts them. The fact that they re also ghostrunners adds to their overall threat and arsenals. Each of the new ghostrunners has their own unique attributes such as controlling the cybervoid, enchanced battle forms etc.

The story follows the rebels and Jack trying to stop this new threat and it will find Jack venturing to the outside walls into new territories with new enemies who might hold they key to something special.

Will Jack be able to discover Asuras plans?
What will they discover outside?
What awaits the heroes?

Thoughts on the Story

Honestly the story of the game is pretty simple and very easy to follow. The plot this time around is more well thought with a lot of plot twist and mysteries. In comparisson to the first one where the mystery was why did a person die and whats on top of the tower, this time around we have different groups of people, new ghostrunners on the loose and our first introduction to the outside world. All of this displayed in a nice way to not drawn us in alot of information and to keep out attention throughout the game. It doesnt last long which is also very good. The main complain i have with the game is its lack of animations. Most of the times is something is happening back to gameplay and then back to HQ or the phone to talk about the incident. I would ve loved to see more cutscenes from this game. The characters are good, the depiction of the events are processed nicely and the overall story was handled with care.


Think fast. Slash fast. Dodge fast
As mentioned the gameplay of Ghostrunner(2020) was heavily influenced by the Doom series and the trending of surfing games such as CSGO and clustertuck, two games that were very popular especially with youtube commentators who were a trend during 2017-2020. To elaborate, in ghostrunner the player gets control of Jack a cyberpunk ninja whose goal is to stop the Asuras and slash his way towards them. Movement is free and fun which allows the hero to always sprint forward, run on the walls and use a special type webbing in order to swing around near enemies. Similar to Doom, the game is all about moving and killing to not lose the momentum. It also offers the player a small amount of decent puzzles and platforming tasks based on certain powers ups. For examples some levels offer a power up that allows the hero to slow down time in order for the ghostrunner to move around enemies or even through deadly spots such as spinning blades. Other powerups allows the ghostrunner to throw shurikens towards electrick boxes to send sparks to gates in order to open their paths and others. The sequel also introduce new powers which further improves on the platforming and Jack's abilities such as shadow clones, glider and others. Furthermore, the developers made sure that the sequel will offer more than just one road by expanding the areas with multiple paths suiting for all player styles. Platforming is half the fun of the game as the other half is all about the combat.

Hack and slash games allow the hero to freely move around and kill various enemies. The player's best way of attacking is through his use of his blade. The game has plenty of enemies and each time the game introduces new enemies making the whole experience better and keeping it fresh. For example, there are people with gun, people with miniguns, bots that shoot lasers, ninja's who require to be parried in order to be stunned and killed, people who shoot lazer beams, enemies with shields that can only be attacked from the back, flying drones and others. Each enemy is unique with their attack patterns and their weaknesses. Despite all the enemies there are items in the maps that can also kill the players such as spikes, electricity and others. The ghostrunner is always one shot which will mean a single hit will cause death and respawn. Similary every enemy is one shot and can die easily from the runners blade in close range or shurikens(that are a permanent thing and not just a temporary power up) for long range atacks. To defend himself the ghost has to avoid hits by movin left and right, by perfectly timing the blade swing with the bullet hit, Jack can slow time which is something that the player can do at any point in the game to both aid him in battle and in platforming tasks. By tapping the right buttons, time slows and the runner has time to react on upcomming bullets and other deadly traps and projectiles. A new addition is the ability to Block and Parry. This time around the players are given a button dedicated to block. Block works for every mellee attack and for almost all projectiles. Bullets can also be deflected back to the enemies. Perfect timing the block button can parry the melee enemies.

As mentioned the core combat in the game is using the blade and the environment to slice through everyone. This time around Jack received an upgrade that really adds more than people think. As briefly mentioned, the shurikens from the first game return but this time are available at all time without the need of a power up. The shurikens can be thrown at enemies to kill them or to stun them if they re of bigger size. This weapon is also used for different puzzles similar to before but they can also be used by throwing them on a wall and using the web to get attached towards them. The new ability added is Shadow clone. By activating this attack Jack created a clone to the location where the skill was activated which will take the enemies attention of Jack who will turn invisible allowing him to stealthy move around the area. Just like the shurikens, a clone can also be used to solve puzzles. Another ability making its return is Tempest. Tempest is like a force push that pushes multiple enemies away to their deaths. It is also capable of pushing upcomming projectiles and items such as explosive barrels. This attack is AoE based and can also be used outside of combat to push items where you most need them. Last but not least Jack has his Ultimate attack which is unlocked while killing enemies. The player can unlock five ultimates in total but can only equip one at a time. Each attack is different based on the players battle style. The first power is a swift strike very similar to Genji from Overwatch. The time moves slowly and the player can move the camera around in order to get a perfect alignment of the enemies and slice through. If a player alligns more than one, then all of them will fall from the swift strike. The second ability is something similar to beam. The runner moves his palm as a red beam like shockwave is thrown killing everyone in its path. This is an AoE attack that can kill plenty of enemies as long as they re in range. Furthermore, the third ability gained is a slow time killing spree. Everything slows down and the player can walk and slice every enemy whilst avoiding upcomming attacks. Another attack upgrades all of Jacks abilities by making him move faster slice faster, cover longer distance with dash, slow time for longer periods of time and overall go Berserk. Last but not least Jack is able to overwrite his opponents. The runner can hack an enemy who will start shooting on his teammates causing them to shoot him back.


Another great addition to the game is the ability to upgrade the ghostrunner through a very decent board. The player can access board at all times and unlock new passive abilities. The board has upgrade for all playstyles.

All the skills unlocked in this section are related to the sword abilities. Abilities like easing the parry window, deflecting, gain speed after succesfull attack etc.
These are all basic abilities like showing you the hit area/radius of an explosive barrel etc
These are all abilities based on speed such as moving faster, blink faster etc.
Keeps giving you bonus attributes eg slowing time given you built a streak, rewarding stamina back etc.
All the skills unlocked here are related to the shurikens. Explosive shurikens etc
These are all related to tempest such as using it below Jack to launch him up in the sky, enchanced its radious etc
These are all abilities based on the clones abilities such as lasting longer, allowing you to slice more than one before appearing etc.
Allowing Jack to power up the time of an ultimate, allows him to use energy when runned out of stamina to continue slow time etc
The players unlock skills by simply progressing through the levels and killing enemies. Doing so will eventually unlocked the icon in the datamachine found in Jacks room and around certain levels. The player can spent points to unlock them. To equip them however, the player needs to place their icons into Jacks memory system. Jack can equip skills as long as he has memory. To gain memory the player has to find the Purple chips. Skills should link together in order to perform their action. For example if a memory chip begins with flow will only accept flow powerups until the player purchase and equip the ability to link everything at any point. If a player doesnt have memory he wont be able to equip an ability until they have free space. Some abilities do come with penalties so be carefull of what you re equiping.


Another great addition that was heavily advertised is the Motorbike sections. Around the later half of the game Jack escapes to the outside city in pursuit of the Asuras. In this section the game combines sections where the gameplay we got familar with remains the same and adds a cool bike to manuver around. The bike matches the gameplay of Ghostrunner as we drive in high speed and do different high jumps. Just like the gameplay, the bike keeps introducing new mechanicks such as wall running and shooting guns. On the bike Jack can also used his blade to slice enemies and obstacles. Furthermore, Jack can jump off the bike sending towards enemies or explosives and can use his web in order to go straight back into it leading for some cool moments. Needless to say the game does have a boos fight whilst on the bike.

Speaking of boss fights the game took all the feedback of its prequel and improved the boss fights by making most of them interactable. In this game all battles combine platforming, blocking parrying and parkouring around the enemy making them much more satisfying. Last but not least the game added Interactive environmets during combat and character interactions with optional dialog to enchanced the world of the Ghostrunner.

Post content

The game has three different forms of postgame content.

During the game, the player will come across different side mission challenges. By interacting with them a challenge will occur where the player will have to complete a task within a certain time which will reward them based on performance. These tasks are simple such as parkour/drive(motorbike)/glide(wings) through the rings, eliminate the enemies, deflect projectiles towards crates, use the abilities(Tempest, Shurikens , Clones) to complete the course etc.
Hardcore mode
By completing the game the player can play Hardcore mode where the enemies are more enchanced and more challenging. Furthermore, enemies that appeared late in the game might spawn from level one increasing the dificculty of the game.
Roguerunner Mode
Introduced on the DLC of the first game Roguerunner is a gamemode that is inspired by the rogue games genre. The players begins from level one with certain abilities. Everytime the players defeats a level, he is given the choice of what to unlock going into level two. These abilities might be weapons(Tempest,Shurikens etc), Passive ones found in the skill tree, Ultimates and even extra lives. Each time the player proceeds the harder the game gets. In this mode there are certain power ups available only to it. Its a trial and error mode that keeps player visiting it again and again as each run is guaranteee different from the other.
It goes without saying that everyone can choose to replay the game to perfect all of their completion times, do a no death run or simply try approaching the game with other abilities.



The game has plenty of collectables for the player to find. The collectables are represented with golden question marks. The player will have to find their way around them and collect them by simply running towards them. The game has four types of collectables.

  1. Purple memory chips
  2. Purple chips allow the player to gain memory and unlock more slots in order to equip more skills.
  3. Blades and Gloves
  4. As the name suggests, the player can collect plenty of blades that the hero can equip. Blades don't come with special attacks attached but they do come with new looks. The same applies to the gloves.
  5. Audio Logs
  6. These are recordings that further elaborate the lore of the game.
  7. Artefacts
  8. Artefacts are also items that can reveal lore in the game.
 in Game cutscene

Final Thoughts

Overall this is a a challenging and fun game with many new game mechanicks to separate itself from its prequel and be worthy of its legacy. The game is not complex but it does expect the player to die alot. They seemed to be aware of it and thus they made sure that each time the player falls they load straight back in to action in no time and continue any dialog amongs characters without reseting it. The story is interesting with plenty of mysteries surounding Jack, the Asuras, the Rebels and the entire universe. The dialogue exchanges throughout the game are also interesting as the player gets to know more about the world, its inhabitants and our player's existance. The levels are very interesting with challenging platforming and challenging encounters that require clear thinking and straight mind. Furthermore, the collectables are hard to spot and might require more effort in order to collect them all. Last but not least the music is very good and suits the game 100% although to some it may sound similar throughout the game. All new additions make the game feel unique as all the new thinks match the game and their usage both in and out combat is fun. The interactive environment and boss fights are very satisfying.

This is a video close to when i played the Game

This is a video showcasing and reviewing the Game

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