Hollow Knight


About the Game

Hollow Knight was developed by Team Cherry a small Australian Company, and was published by themselves. The game was released for Pc early in 2017 and received it's console release during the span of 2018.
Unfortunately the game was not receive as well as it should have had, due to the fact that other indie games such as Little Nightmares and Cuphead had a much bigger impact upon their release.
This did not prevent Hollow knight from establishing their own unique fanbase and Team Cherry from earning themselves a few rewards nominations and awards. Nowadays Hollow knight is a respectful game among
the indie Games and Team Cherry have already announced that a Sequel Silksong is in development.

Originally the Game only existed as downloadable from online stores, such as steam and later on Ps store, however,with the Switch release, Team Cherry created an exclusive collectors edition .
The collectors edition included, the Game, four art cards, a small comic, The world map(AKA Hallownest), a cleanning cloth and last but not least a Brooch with the knight in the middle.
At this point it should be mentioned that physical copies were also made for the Playstation release .
Hollow Knight is an action adventure metroidvania game .What is metroidvania game? Metroidvania are games with large interocnnected maps that the player can explore. However there will be certain
locations where the player will not be abe to procceed until they receive certain items or skills that they can unlock later on. For a better understanding, here is a simpe example. the player may not be
able to reach a certain location unless they obtain double jumb which can be found somewhere else. Once they obtain double jump they can return to the location where they couldnt jump before and proceed to explore.
So basically it's a game where the players will have to go back and fourth in the map to unlock new locations and continue exploring the map.

Story of the Game

The story of the game weird to fully explain as the game does not conatin any dialogue spoken in englih and all the lore can be found in cryptic dialogues with NPCs, Tablets found in the world, website, the artbook and
the archives found within the in game journals. However the community of Hollow Knight made a fantastic effort to analyse everything to learn as much as possible and form a lore,which is party correct based on team Cherry
responses. To give a very brief explanation,we re introduced to a bug kingdom known as Hollownest where a godly being called the Radiance began to control and brainwashed the bugs. Another godly being called the Pale King
rescued Hollownest by sealing the Rediance in the dreamworld. He then had the idea of trapping it within a hollow vessel called the hollow knight who was then sealed away and locked in a black egg sealed by 3 dreamers
who volunteer to be sacrifised as they admired the pale kings work. Two of them volunteer without anything in return while the third one queen Hera requested for the king and her to have a child to which he agreed.
By doing so, the Radiance was now sealed within a dream, trapped within the hollow Knight where it couldnt influence anyone, who was also trapped within the black egg which was also sealed. Everything was peacefull
for while up until the Radiance influence began to re appear in the world of Hallownest. This is pretty much the backstory of the game.(Stuff that the game states in dialogues and ancient tablets). The game then begins
by introducing our playable hero the knight who arrives in Hallownest. Its up to the player now to venture inside Hollownest, to break the 3 seals and pay a visit to the Hollow knight in order to see what is happening and why
the Radiance is influencing and polluting the world again. Needless to say the game contains 3 endings based on the players choices and adventures. The game basically "tells" the player,that based on how much they want to invest in
the game the more they 'll get to learn about it and it's story. Moreover Team Cherry released 4 free DLC expansions for the game. Some just introduced new area new foes and quality of life mechanicks , while others released post game
content alongside two different additional endings.Most known ones are the Grimm Troupe and Godmasters. Both of which will be looked more into down below.

General Gameplay and abilities.

picture of fountain

The game begins by placing the player in Howling Cliffs. The player gets to control the knight, whose adventure begins once he arrvies in Dirtmouth and proceed to the well.
Being a metroidvania it means that the Knight will have plenty of abilities HOWEVER most of them are obtainable while proceeding with the game and exploring every location within the map
Some of the abilities are given directly to the players by pointing them to the direction they need to proceed while others can be obtain even after succesfully beating the final boss. Venturing around hallownest
is very relaxing, sure danger is everywhere but the world design is beautiful. There are benches and chairs everywhere around the world for the Knight to rest. Each bench the knights rest, will update the map
and at the same time act like a checkpoint, for the player to respawn. Most of the benches in are likely to have a quick travel system that the knight can use to change location. Each time a player visits a new location
they should seek the map maker in order for them to unlock the map. Death in the game can be very scary, if the knight hasnt rest ona bench in a while. When the knight dies, his Soul, alongside his Geo
are left behind, for the knight to return and re claim. The player dies, when an enemy strikes their last heart (hearts are located to left), drop on an instant death trap and in general hit from the maps traps.
The difficulty of the game is everywhere, it requests the player to always be on the edge, as traps and enemies can appear from everywhere, The only time the player is safe is next to a bench. When it comes to the boss battles
every boss can be succesfully beaten after certain deaths occur. They all have certain patterns that will most likely get the best from the players when they first fight them. most of the bosses deal one heart of damage
but some also have attacks that deal two hearts of damage. Moreover each some bosses also have Nightmare fights which are basically the upgraded version of the same boss.Lastly there's plenty of platforimng challenges
that await for the Knight to take on. Once again treasure every bench you can rest on.

picture ofthe mappicture ofthe map

Knight's abilities

The gameplay of Hollow knight is really nice smooth. You move around with either the keypad or L3. X is used to Jump, and hitting it again will also create a second jump given that the player has unlocked the ability.
Keep in mind the longer the player holds down X the higher they jump, while tapping X will only make a smaller jump. Square is used to mellee the enemies with the nail, the Knights weapon. Triangle is used to dream nail enemies.
Dream nail is something that is obtainable later in the game and allows the knight to enter the dream world and to read each Npc thoughts. The dream nail can be used on enemies in order to obtain soul. Trangle and down
sets a teleporting gate where the player can teleport when holding triangle and up. There can only be only one portal. R2 is the ability to dash. L2 is known as superdash or crystalised Dash, an ability
unlocked later on. Crystal dash charges and then shoots the knight in a straight line until the player press X, hit a wall or hit a random enemy. R1 is the quick button to open the map of the location the knight is in.
The Touchpad on the other hand is the button that opens the entire inventory where the player can see the entire world map, the inventory and all the data collected in the Hunter's Journal. L1 is used to quick cast spells.
Last but not least is Circle which is used for the focus abilities AKA Magic. All Magic abilities but one must be first found in the map.Magic can be cast when soul is gathered, soul can be seen top left.
Holding down circle allows the knight to recover their(using their as the knight has not official genter) health. Tapping circle is the ability to shoot a projectile spell. Circle and up will unlueash a powerfull spell
that hits upwards and circle down will create a a powerful spell the dives down and unleashes a radious blast, hitting the enemies on the sides, below and above.
Other abilities and items the knight can get, that are not mapped with a button are :
First things wall hugging. After a certain point the knight is able to jump of the walls to reach higher grounds. There is no limit as to how long the knight can continue jumoing on wall without touching the ground.
Furthermore the player can swim inside toxic waters in order to discover furter lands, once again given that they have dound the ability to do so.Moreover, If the player manages to succesfully find the three nail masters
they ll teach the knight more nail abilities depending on which they come across. By holding down square the knight can unleash a more powerful slash. The other master, will teach the knight how to unleash that powerful blast
after a dash. The last master will teach the knight how to make a turning attack similar to legend Of Zelda's Link. This can be done by holding square and Up. The on screen indication can be seen from an aura the Knight gets
while squeare was hold. Last but not least all of the spells mentioned above can be powered up once the players find their darker version.


picture of the charm The game has plenty of collectables for the players to venture around and collected. Hallownest has a treasure hidden in every corner waiting for the knight to discover. First things first, in order to power up the knight the player will need to find plenty of items. The first type of collectibles are the Mask Shards.There's is a total of sixteen(16) shrads, each time a player collects a total of four(4), they gain one extra life point. The second form of collectible that power up the knight are the vessels fragments. Theirs a total of nine(9)and each set of three(3) reward the player with an extra set of container that stores soul for the player to cast spells. The third and fourth form of collectables are the three nail arts and the spells with their respective shade form.

Moreover there are the Charm Notch. There is a total of eleven(11) of them and they are used to store the other collectable which are the charms. theres a total of fourty-two(42) Charms. Each of them have their own abilities and its up to the players to experiment in order to find the combination that they prefer. Some of the charms, power up the mellee or the spells, some grant summoned allies that fight alongside the Knigh, others help restore soul or Heal faster. Some grand extra blue lives or help the knights manuvering abilities. Theres plenty of them and some of them can even combine with each other wich increases the ammount of combinations to be tested. An extra form of collectable are the grubs. The grubfather lost fourty-six(46) grubs and request the knight to help him find them. Each time the knight frees a grub the grubfather will reward the knight with plenty of geo(money), mask fragments and charms.Last but not least theres plenty of collectable items such as maps, materials you can exchange for money, items to see in the dark and others.

Postgame content, The Grimm Troupe and Godmasters

There is a location known as the Colosseum of fools where the player can challenge themselves in a set of three colloseum fights. These are waves with diferent mobs that are attaccking the player while also having to balance life
mana managment and platforming skills.Hollow knight's free expansion also introduced plenty of postgame content. For example the Grimm troupe. Grimm gives the player a pet and tells them to venture in Hallownest in order to kill
a set of three enemies in order for a ritual to take place. Each set of three the knight kills while equiped with the pet allows that pet to grow. Each time a set is complete report to Grimm. On the second set, Grimms boss fight,br> is unlocked and on the third set the Utimate Grimm Fight is unlocked known as the The Nightmare King. It's a very interesting DLC that also has plenty of lore hidden behind it. The Godmasters DLC is known as boss rush content.
In the first three panthenos, the knight fights in an arena of 10 rounds. Each pantheon has boss batlles that were not in the actual game. The pantheon of hallownest the last of the pantheons request the player to fight all 48 bosses,
including the final two in their more powerful form. Last but not least the god home also has a museum where the player can chalenge each boss individually and also chalenge themselves with tasks like, one shot kill, no health recovery,less soul casting, less damage ouput and so on. The god home also introduced two different alternative endings.

Music and Graphics

The music and the graphics are unique to the game. The music knows how to set the mood. Whether you venture inside a wild forest,a bee hive or inside a spider nest the music keeps the sound calm and the sound effects used from
the enemies creates the horrific event of what awaits the player in the other side of the room. During the boss fights the music becomes wild and intense , to join in the action that is happening in the boss room. Needless to say
the chaos that occurs inside the room is fantastic. A very nice detail is that each time the knight is striked down the bass boosts indicating the hit that occured. Other details that can be seen is from area effects. Burned enemies
leave a battle cry while they re on the gorund burned with somked effects, and enemies that drop in toxic waters melt inside leaving a powerfull effect. As mentioned above every bech has a very beautiful view of the environment
with a very calm and relaxing music. This is top tier, as it matches the saying, calm before the storm. Each bench is very close to an elite soldier or boss room. For a game its size the game has plenty of unique map designs, each very
different from the others. At the same time the game has around 177 enemies with 47 being bosses.

Showcases of the Game

This is a video of me reviewing the game

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