Ratcet & Clank: Rift Apart


About the Game

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was developed by Insomniac Games, the Studio that created Marvel Spiderman and Spiderman Miles Morales and was Published from Sony as a Playstation 5 exclusive. The game was released on July 2021 and althoughits the second title following the Ratchet and Vlank (2016) reboot, it is NOT a direct Sequel. In fact , it is confirmed that older titles are canonicaly more recent towards this game story. However, The players do not need to know any of the stories told in past titles. This can be someone's first Ratchet and Clank game expirienced and still understand 98% of the Game. In fact, all you need to know , is that Ratchet, is the last of his kind, A.K.A Lombax and that him and Clank have been in plenty of adventures and they re best friends.

Story of the Game

The story of the Game follows the two beloved friends who had a celebration in their honor as the heroes of the Galaxy. Clank decided to suprise his friend ratchet by creating a weapon capable of oppening dimensions
to different universes, in order for Ratchet to venture around and find whatever happened to the Lombax. However, Dr Nefarious, an old foe decided to invade the parade and steal that weapon for himself. The duo tried
to prevent him from doing so, however plenty of shots were thrown and the weapon was overflown and self exploded causing the heroes and Dr Nefarious to drop in a parallel Universe where Dr Nefarious was already an emperor,
whose name alone brought fear to the civilians. This is a different dimension with alternative versions of these heroes. Ratchet is now on a journey to find his friend Clank. Clank was injured and found by Rivet, a female
lombax parallel to Ratchet, who had plenty of questions to be made.Dr Nefarious,enjoys being an emperor, and he doesnt questioned anything, believing that he won.To sum up, certain events will bring the two group of heroes
together in order to take down Dr Nefarioous. Can the heroes team up and join forces againts Dr Nefarious and save their Universes, and is Dr Nefarious all alone???

It iss not a ground-breaking story but it really keeps things simple to follow and brings many interesting concepts into play. For example, since this is a a parallel universe it means that plenty of the heroes from
the original timeline (given that Ratchet and Clanks is the original timeline) have their own unique counter parts. The dialogue exchange are hilarious and the new characters are very interesting, with their own unique

General Gameplay and abilities.

picture of the heroes

Ratchet and Clank follows the same formula of the series, but at the same time polishing it and improving it. Rift apart is a 3D platforming game that also doubles down as a 3rd person shooter. Being a 3D platformer
it means death can occured from a few things. First being dropping the Health bar to zero by being stiken or shot by enemies and the second being, falling off the map. But what can the players do. Both Ratchet and Rivet
carry their own Unigue close combat weapons. For Ratchet is his trusty Wrench and for Rivet is her Hammer. This weapon can have a triple combo by pressing square, it can have a dive attack with X and square and last but
not least it can be used as a boomerang by aiming with L2 and shooting with square. Other than that the player can purchase a total of eighteen (18) weapons. Fifteen (15) of them can be obtained by purchasing them from the store,
two (2) of them can be purchased in a new Game + while the the last weapon can only be acquired when the player collects a total of ten (10)
collectable bots. Each weapon is different and unique. Some of them are very powerful, some of them are good in close combat, while others are only good in long range attacks. Further more the more the players plays and explores
the world, they can collect blue crystals which can be used in order to uprade the weapons within the store. In a normal walkthrough, each weapon can be upgraded up to level five(5) and during a new game + it can go all the way up to ten (10).
Since new Game + was mentioned, it should mentioned that every weapon has an Omega version , which is set to be the ultimate form of a weapon. In order to a level a weapon up, the player simply has to use that weapon. Every time a bullet
a bomb or a summoned ally succesfully hits a target that weapon gains 1 EXP. The player can track the progress of the weapon by looking top right, while top left shows the hero status.

Other Abilities

For mobility, the heroes have a certain ammount of mobility abilities. To start things first ,The player moves around with L3, pressing it in will cause that hero to sprint. Jumping can be done with X, and double jump when X is pressed again whilst in air.
Further more, holding X after a jump or double jump, the heroes can glide to prevent them from touching the ground or to help them move whilst on air. X on a wall can be used for the hero to wall bounce. Circle(O) is used for phantom dashing. Dash can be used
to reach further areas where the character could not reach or go through some barriers. During compat circle (O)is used for dodge. Moreover there certain obvious walls with arrows where the character can jump on and by holding X they can wall walk.
After a certain point in the game the heroes are given a set of boost boots where they can hover and speed travel around. This can be done with R1. After pressing it once the character can speed up by tapping the button more. Jumping while boosted
covers a longer range. L1 is used to interact with items within the map. To elaborate there's platforms where you ll need to shoot a robe and keep hanging, or use it to jump on a different platform. Other items once grapped with L1 will launch the hero away.
The last thing to interact with L1 are the space rifts. Certain rifts can be interact with the heroes i order to teleport to that location. Last but not least the triangle button and the keypad. Triangle can be used to communicate with the environment.
Holding triangle will open the wheels with all the weapons for the hero to change. The player is allowed to pick 4 weapons to eguip on the keypad for a faster weapon swap. In different maps, the players are given ridable pets, in the form of a dragon
and a snail. Both of them manuver around with L3 and speed up with r1.
The touchepad is used to open the inventory and options will ipen the pause menu.
The combat is fast and interesting with all these different weapons, there's plenty of ways to approach a fight. However here lies two of major issues. First of all Ratchet and Rivet both fight the same. They are two different heroes however their combat
is the same. Same 3 combos, same weapon throws and use the same weapons. Yes they do visit different planets and it is believed that Insomniac tried to keep things the same for simplicity sake. The enemy variaty is decent howerver they could have added
a few more, but the one bad thing about the game, is the difficulty. PLaying on the hardest difficulty did not feel chalenging as some of the weapones are very overpowered and, this does not include the Rhyno weapon( as the fastest this weapon is aquired, is literally before the final war,as one of the unlockable items can be achieved in the gold arena which is unlocked before the last battle).


Horizon's Trex, Zeldas ruppees and Kingdom hearts keyblade When it comes to collectables this game has plenty of them. To start things first the thing already mentioned is the spybots. Theres a total of 10 of them and each of them holds a blue print, that once they are all gathered the heroes are rewarded with a weapon called the Rhyno. This weapon is an aerial weapon that releaes a major blast. These blasts drop items from across the dimensions. To elaborate the weapon open up portals and items that can be found in all the other planets, drop causing explotions. However some of them are funny easter eggs from other playstation properties like Jack and Daxter, Horizon, Sly Cooper, uncharted and others. Other collectables are the teddy bears, theres atotal of 8 bears that once again can be found across the planets, the only thing that they reward the players,is a trophy achievment. In a planet called Savali there is a total of 12 different Lorbs that give the player an explanation of what happened to the Lombrax. Once again they give the player more lore, and more easter eggs with other games. The last two of collectables are the gold bolts and the different armor pieces. Theres a total of 8 armor sets each one consisted of 3 pieces, helmet, body and boots. Each piece rewards the players with certain boost, some being extra damage reduction from a certain type of enemies, some gain extra EXP while others gain extra money. In order to find them, the player should explore the planets until they find a sealed rift gate. Once it's found,use L1 to open the rift and run through the platforming area. Last but least the golden bolts . Theres a total of 25 and each time a player collects one tehy unlock a special mod. For example changing the heroes mellee weapon to a key, a swordfish or an axe. That can be done once 12(for Ratchet) and 13( Rivet) are collected . You can make them have bubble heads,n customize the look of the spaceship or the look of the currency to make it look like Super Mario's coins, Legend of Zelda's Link's ruppees,and etc. Moreover you unlock extra music files, photo perks and rpg numbers. Lastly the last 3 bolts are game breaking mechanics, or hacks, like, unlimited ammo and unlimited health.

Postgame content,and Minigames

There is a total of two minigames, or mini game sessions. Keep in mind these do not include the pet ridings nor the grinding parts of the game.
The first mini Game is with Glitch. Glitch is a spider Robot given to Ratchet who helps him hack into machines or prevent machines from being targeted by a virus. Glitch manuvers around with L3. She can attack the small virus with her cannon, and that is R2. In the center of the screen there's a certain number of virus icons, that represent the number of elite Virus, that need to be killed. These Elite, can only be killed with L2, and some of them have shield fields that needs to be destroyed by pressing their buttons. To find the buttons follow the cables attached to the shield. Glitch also obtains an EMP wave, that once charged, it can be released with X. Glich gameplay is very similar to the side mission Marvel Spiderman had, with Pete's spider bots.

The second minigame is Clanks and Kits gameplay. These two are transfered inside rifts that have 3 sets of puzzles. Each puzzle has platforms, an end foal gate,robot ghost running in a staright line and Power orbs. It is up to Kit or Clank to obtain the orbs, and creat a path for the ghost robots to reach the gate. These orbs, increase speed, allows them to jumo high with feather boost, transfer through electric cables, and gain weight so that a fan wont blow them away. Some of the orbs combine their abilities as well. All of these can be easily skipped though the pause menu, however it is unknown if the player still gain the trophies or not. Also they 're not hard and it is not recommended to skip them.

The last thing is the arena. In a planet called Scarstu Debris Field there's an arena with three categories. Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each arena has five (5) tasks missions and challenges. The rewards are mainly coins and some collectable item that once obtain for the first time, they re replaced with blue crystals. These arenas are fun to do, as some require to use certain weapons, or survive under certain circunstances. Some of them are normal fights, while others are fights with deadly items venturing around the environment. It is worth mentioning that for the players wishing to upgrade their weapons fast, this is the place to do so, and although not recommended, a cheesy way of leveling weapons faster would be to use the cheat mods of unlimited health and unlimited ammo.

Music and Graphics

The Game's animation is fantastic. Honestly it show's the power of the ps5 in many aspects. Whether its the interactive environment or the ray tracinng everyting seems straight out of a movie. The music is nice
and the worlds differ from each other. All of the worlds introduce different mechanics that change the gameplay. Some have dangerous waters, while others rely more on grinding around. Some have major spaces
where the player should rely on speed to open gates, while others rely on pink crystals that alter between two dimensions. It's not an understatement to say that Insomniac put alot of effort and care when
building these worlds.

Showcases of the Game

This is a video of me reviewing the game

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