Sonic Forces


About the Game

Sonic forces was developed by the one and only Sonic Team, the team responsible for most of the Sonic games. The blue blur had always been the face of Sega thus they are the publishers. Sonic games are mainly released with the anniversary of the freanchise and Sonic forces was produced for the 25th Anniversary. The game was released in November 2017. The game was highly anticipated as each of the trailers released prior to the game's release build more and more hype around the entry. The trailer showed every major past villain from the series alongside a newly created one teamming up againts Sonic. Furthermore, the game showerd some thing never before seen in sonic Games, Character Creator . The game was released for all available consoles, Playstation 4, XBox One, Nintendo Switch and for the Pc. The game was released with mixed reviews. Casual and Reviewers praised it for many factors such as it's simple gameplay, its graphics, the custom characters and it's music. The Sonic fans on the other hand did not really appreciate Sonic Forces with the believe that past games susch as Sonic: Unleashed and Sonic: Generations had better character and level designs. Last but not least, the story of the game failed to reach the expectasion as it did not deliver the hyped it build for them. Further details will be reveal further down below.

Story of the Game

Sonic forces began it's story with a cutscene of Dr. Eggman complainning about how he had enough of Sonic's interuptions and at the same time praissing his new experiment as this time he is certain that the blue blur will not be able to emerhe victorious. The player then is greeted with the tutorial level, of Sonic travelling through Green Hills which he barely recognises from all the destructions. Another cutscene is triggered at the end where tails and some other animals where cornered by Dr Eggman and his killer Robos, but Sonic makes it just in time to defeat the robots. Eggman not amazed by this calls upon all the previous villains, Shadow ,Zavock, Chaos, Metal and the new member Infinite who seems to be more that a challenge for the hero. Before everyone realises this new foe knocks sonic out cold. Few months after the incident, Eggman took over most of the world with a few areas stil putting on a resistance, this is where we meet some of the main cast members such as Knuckles,Silver,Aimy and others who are ready to regroup a new sprout, The hero (aka the Custom Hero). Meanwhile, Tails, Sonic's right hand 'man' lost his mind with the lost of his friend and still tries to find something that could ve helped his buddy, however Chaos was about to ambush him but out of the blue Classic Sonic came to his rescue. For those unaware, There are two Sonics:

Classic Sonic
A Sonic who plays in 2D levels and it has the same formula with the Sonic found in early games
Modern Sonic
A Sonic who plays in both 2D and 3D levels and has a few more abilities.
Since Sonic Generations, the classic Sonic has become a hero familiar with the current heroes, who know Classic Sonics comes from the past. As the player procceds with the story they get to know th whereabputs of Sonic and send the player to save him. With the rescue of Sonic from the DeathEgg, Eggmans moon base, the heros are send on seperate missions. Sonic Clashes with Infinite who defeats Sonic but could spare his time finnishing him off. Infinite and Eggman also with each other but as long as their plans procceed they do not interfere. Eggman who clashed with Tails and Classic Sonic explains how in three days his plan will destroy them all. The story proceeds by following three different heroes. Sonic, Classic Sonic and the hero on their way on taking down Eggman, his troups and Infinite.

The game has a DLC story, where the players follow Shadow the Hedgehog who came across Infinite. The DLC is rather short as it only adds three new stages and allow the players to play ten base game levels with Shadow instead of modern Sonic. The story acts as an origin story for Infinite. Prior to his character in the main story in the Dlc a less impressive look of Infinite who worked as a mercenary had his team placed in an Eggman Facility which was taken Down by Shadow. One thing lead to another and Infinite decided to use the power of the phantom ruby in order to gain more power and promises to himself to never lose another battle.

The Good and Bad of the Game's Story

From an outside point of view, the games story seems near perfect, A post apocalyptic world, a new cool Character (Infinite) and plenty of animated cutscenes that escort the player all the way from the start to the end. So how did it go wrong? One major point that everybody voiced, was the 'False advertisment' of villains. The game showed the all villains in cutscenes but when it came down to gameplay, Chaos did not have his own battle. Chaos was a battle praised by many back in Sonic Generations and alongside the animated series Sonic X, Chaos became a beloved figure among the fans. However, his inclusion in forces remained within the animated cutscenes. Another main issue that surrounded the game was Infinite himself. Although he had an amazing design, a talented Voice Actor (Liam O'Brien: Voice of Gaara(Nauto),Dr Strange(Marvel games) and War(Darksiders)) and an amazing OST(Music Theme Song), his motives and actions were really questionable. He could ave defeated both Sonic and the playable hero plenty of times but he kept letting them escape after he defeated them. The first time it made sense since he proved his superiority, but someone would think that after Eggmans yells, the 2nd or third time he would ve finish the job.

Custom Avatar


Before proceeding with the actual Gameplay of the game, the first option given to the players is to customize the heroes. The first option available for the hero to choose the gender between Male and female. Once the gender is selected the next option give is is to choose the race of the hero. The player can be a rabbit, a wolf, a hedgehog, a bird, a wolf, a dog, a cat and a bear. Each of the race comes with it's own attach ability.

Rings lost after damage will last longer before dissappearing
Allows the player to Double Jump.
Are allowed to keep some rings after taking damage
Restarts the player with some of the Rings
Extends the invincibles frames after taken damage
Draws items near the player
Blows away enemies after a Wire Attack

Once the species is selected the player can choose the shape of the head based from ones already designed. Most of the species have three different types, and once their selection is made the player will have to select skin color,for the ears and mouth. Following facial skin colour, the player will get to choose the type and colour of Eyes. Theres a total of eyes types. Furthermore the player will have to choose skin colour for the overall body.Moreover the player will have to choose a Voice for the hero and last but not least his Victory pose which will be appearing with the end of a level. The more the players play a level and the higher the rank they score, they get rewarded with various of cosmeticks. Cosmetics such as Hats, glasses, masks, helmets, T-shirts, necklases,gloves, shorts and boots. All of them can be equiped in the level selection by choosing the wardrope.

Sonic games are either 3D, 2D or Both platforming games. Sonic Forces, keeps the formula to the standard fromula the series are now known for. The players move around within a level collecting rings and trying to reach the end by avoiding enemies and death traps. The player dies by falling in a non playable area, running out of time, drunk in water, squash between items and getting hit when there are no rings. Rings act as a shield for the player. To elaborate whena player is hit they lose their coins. Unlike the older games forces allows the player to choose normal difficulty. The difference between Hard and Normal is that in hard, similar to the old games the player lose all their rings but in normal they only lose some. When the rings leave the player they remain for a few seconds before dissappearing. When the player has zero coins and receives a blow, then they will will die. Every level has multple of checkpoints for the player to collect by passing through them. Checkpoints re represented with apole with a blue sphere.
Not including the DLC, the game has thirty main stages, 6 secrets stages and 2 extras. However, both the secrets and extras levels are extremely small. The game it's not long as it caan be finished within 3-4 hours whilst in hard difficulty. Players might replay some maps that have SOS signals. SOS Stages are the normal stages in the game that have an prison randomly located. The Players are required to jump on to it in order to release a friend. For the game's story, SOS missions represent signals from members of the Resistance that are in need of help. They 're completely optional that serve the purpose of unlocking items and boosting the Players hero rank.
The game sperates it self in three different gameplays Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic and the hero.

Classic Sonic
Classic Sonic is the hero with the least abilities. He is a representation of the older days where Sonic used to move only within a 2D environment. Classic Sonic can damage enemies by simply jumping on them. Another way of dealing with enemies is to spin towards an enemy. Spinning is achieved by holding down when sprinting. At the same time if the hero is standing still, the player can hold down and tap X multiple times to build momentum. X is also the jumping ability. Before landing after a Jump pressing X will build speed for the hero.

Modern Sonic
Modern Sonic is played in both 2D and 3D levels. Similar to classic sonic he is jumping with X, but also allows the player to double jump by repressing X. The hero is also capable of boosting by pressing Square, Boosting on enemies will instatly kill them. The boost meter is built by collecting coins and white wisps(white box). Last but not least modern Sonic has a homing attack. Enemies, bounce pads and hoods will be marced with a green circle, and indicates that the player can press X in order for Sonic to attack its target by dashing towards it. Whilst on a wire or in a straight 3D road (mainly Boss), L1 and R1 one are used to change left to right. The moving button can also be used but R1/L1 is more effective.

Playable Hero
The last hero is the players custom made character. Similar to modern sonic the hero plays in Both 2D and 3D levels. Similar to both Sonics the character jumps with X. The hero does not have a homing attack but he does have a wisp Weapon. These weapons work very similar to Homing attacks. The enemies are marked with the same indicator and pressing X will work very close to homing. The weapons can also be used by holding R2. R2 will shoot the elemental attack front of the hero, whether it's a flame thrower, lightning or even tornadoes. The weapons also have a triangle attack that is used mainly for specials. The wisps have the form of wind, fire ,magnet, teleportation, thunder and others.

Super Sonic was added later as a free DLC as it wasnt included with the release of the game. Super Sonic for those unaware is Sonic absorbing the power of chaos emeralds and gainning super abilities. He turns gold and he is invisible to any enemy. Hitting them will kill them and will magnetise all the coins. Sonic turns Super by collecting 100 Coins.


The game has only two type of collectable and can be found in every level.The first type of collectable are the various cosmeticks the heroes get to unlocked. As mentioned earlied in the character development the players can unlock various of clothing pieces that they can equip in the Wardrope. These cosmeticks are unlocked by achieving a rank of either A or S. The ranking is based on how fast the player will cross the finish line, the amount of rings they eneded a level with, the amount of points earned by killing various of enemies and last but not least the points earned from quick time events if any. The second type of collectables are the famous red rings that are in every Sonic Game. As always there are five red rings seperated within a level and the more the players get the more extra levels they unlocked.

Music and Level

First things first the music of the game similar to every sonic game is really good. Plenty of memorable songs were created for the game such as Infinite's Theme song and Fist Bumb. Every level has unique songs that escort the levels, whether it's the famous green Hills or a casino street, there is always a match. it should be mentioned that when playing modern Sonic and use Dash, there is a special effe used in the background music that indicates Sonic's speed of Light. The level themselves are large and some have various of mechanicks. Some levels are straight forward, some have the player running from a death trap, some combine quick time events ,others have various of traps and so many different factors that can be found within the thirty levels. Unlike the past entries in the series, the main route of the level is very straight forward, with the alternative paths not being as visually obvious as in the past.

Final Thoughts

Overall Sonic forces was a game that came with a mix impressions. As the game aged, the mass agreed that the game is not being as good as other titles and that it is not as replayable as past entries. The game was extremely easy which is not something that Sonic games were meant to be. The story although very good does not match with the gameplay. To elaborate, both Sonic 2006 and Sonic forces had at some point the heroes breaking in the enemies base. In 2006, Sonic starts snowboarding down a mountain in order to reach the back of the base. Then he fights his way in by defeating the guards. Once the guards are defeated, he breaks in searching for his goal. In forces, a dialogue is given to the player containing the mission, the player is then placed in a level. Whilst Sonic is moving from one point of the map to the other, dialogue is given by Knuckles explainning how Sonic did this and that (breaking in, lowering shields etc.). At the end of the level, Knuckles yet again explains how the mission was a success and the mission is over. Through this example, it's obvious which game rewards the heroes actions through it's gameplay and not it's dialogue. Some boss battles are not as exciting as others, as some concepts are being reused. The idea is that Sonic is running forward while the boss (Infinite,Metal) throws various of obstacles. Sonic will eventually reach the boss a hit mark will appear and the hero will hit the boss similar to the boss encounters found as bonus levels in older games and the boss battles in the App game Sonic dash. Enemy Shadow and Chaos were seen in the cutscenes and the trailers but do not fight the player as they both defeated in cutscenes. As mentioned prior another factor againts the game is it's length as it is short.

On the other hand the game did experiment and introduce a character creator which was never done before with the series. The voice acting and characters are extremely good. The main cast of Eggman, Sonic, Infinite, Knuckles and tails did a great job. Some of the dialogue interactions are really good filled with humor and one liners. The animated cutscenes are very energetick filled with action and care. At the same time good animation can be seen in levels where cities break with giant monsters and others. The framerate of the ps4 doesnt drop and keep things clear. Further more the music of the game is really good and some of the songs introduced within the series are some of the greatest songs of the series. The Gameplay of the series, it's good and polish, however it is very similar to the original entires of the series, where the players choose a level and run straight forward. It's a fun game of the recent entries but not as deep mechanical wise as others.

This is a video with my Honest review close to when i played the Game

This is a video showcasing and reviewing the Game

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