Doom Eternal


About the Game

Doom is popular franchise that is considered by many The father of the FPS as in the early 1993 it was the first game of it's genre.
Needless to say it had a massive impact within the gaming industry and definetely inspired many games. Doom Eternal is the latest entry in the series and continues to improve the series.
The game is a first person shooter, developed by id Software and published by Bethesda softworks in 2020 for all available consoles. In June 2021, the game was released for the next generation
consoles, the PS5 and XBox series X. The owners of the game, are allowed to download the upgrade to the next gen for free. The game is the direct sequel of the 2016 DoomGame. The game was highly
anticipated by the fans and upon it's release it did extremely well with plenty of nominations and awards, proving that the FPS games are still a force to be recognised. It should be mentioned that in 2020
there were other big titles such as Sucker Punch's Ghost Of tsushima, Square Enix's Final Fantasy Vii Remake ,Nintendo's Animal Crossing and Naughty Dog'ss The Last Of Us Pt2
just to name afew. In fact Doom Eteranl,was one of the six nominated games competing for The Game of the Year award.. Some of the awards Doom earn include, Best Action game and best upcomming Pc title.
The game's physical releases came in the form of:
Included the game alone
Included the game, the season pass including DLC 1+2, a new slayer skin and sound packs for the weapons
Collector's edition
Included the game, A lore book,a Steelbook case,a poster,Doom 2016 and Eteran Soundtracks and a life size Doom Slayer wearable helmet.
It also included Digital content such as Skins, weapon sound packs and DLCs 1+2

Story of the Game and Post-game Content

Game start up screen
To start things first, and a small spoiler warning for the 2016 Doom entry, the game continues where its predecesor left. Doom Guy been cast away by Samuel and the earth's dooms has began since all hell has been unleashed. The story of eternal proceeds where the previous one left where Earth Sufferred from hells invation killing around 60% of humanity. The doomslayer returns to Earth and he is ready to free the planet. Doom slayers first objective is to kill the three Hell priests who worked under an Angelic being known an Maykr who wants to sacrifise the humans for her own race survival. In fact the Maykr was the one who began Earth's invasion. Needless to say the doom guy manages to kill the three Priests after tracking each one down. With the death of the third one, the Maykr tries to prevent the Doom guy from reaching her but it was pontless. Her plan was to ressurect a demon call the Icon of sin to wipe out all humanity, but doom guy defeats her. This is not the end as doom guy knows he has to take down the icon of sin so that Earth can be 100% save. Through the story, the doom slayer gets to know more about his past, where he came from and what his goal is. The story finishes however, the developers also left it open to continue the story through DLC.The story of the DLC won't be spoil much but in order for true liberation to be achieved, the Doom slayer has to go face to face with the king of hell himsel, the dark lord. The first part of the DLC, covers all the points till the release of the dark lord, and the second DLC is the end game war. The final war that includes the armies from both sides clashing with each other .

In terms of post game content the game has three different games. The first two are Old Doom games. Once the game's campaign is finised, the doom slayer can play some classic Doom 1 on his old computer located within his room within the Doom Fortress which is his ship name. On the same computer the slayer can experience another Doom Game, this time Doom 2. However, the slayer must enter the right 12-digit password. The password is FLYNNTAGGART. The final thing the game offers is an online mode where a player can be the slayer and fight off different players who re using demons.


The gameplay of doom eternal is focussing on fast pace shooting that wants the player to be as aggressive as they want. The doom slayer carries a variety of weapons that can be used to throughout his journey. Certain weapons are very effective againts certain enemies, while others are ineffective. For example certain enemies can be beaten with one headshots while others need to swallow bombs. This makes the combat unique and wants the player to have quick reflexes in order to change to the appropriate weapon to counter the certain enemy. Ammunition and health potions can be found on the ground, however, the game suggests that the player uses the chainsaw in order to kill small enemies. Killing with chainsaw drops plenty of ammunition for the slayer and killing enemies in general drop health regeneration. Keep in mind, certain overpowered weapons such as the sword, the BFG and the chainsaw itself won't receive ammunition from chainsawed foes.

On to the controls. The slayer moves around with L3 and aim with R3. Pressing L3 will change the type of granade between expossive and freezing granade. Pressing R3 will trigger the blood punch. Blood punch is a powerful mellee attack that drops plenty of health and has an aerial damage effect. A blood punch can be filled by getting two gory kills. If the player taps R3 when they dont have a punch ready, they will simply mellee the enemy causing little to none damage. When an enemy is flashing due to certain damage, L3 will cause a gory kill instead of the punch.. X is used for jump and double jump. Circle is the ability of the slayer to dash. Dash can be used for both dodging and covering distance. When upgraded the slayer can dash twice, after the first dash a timer will start to reset it. Square is used for the chainsaw, which as mentioned above drops ammo. The chainsaw requires gas in order to fill,and when emptied, it will charge atleast once so that the player will always have one available. The game is generous and has plenty of gas around, especially in big encounters. The normal demons require one gas, however the elite ones, required three.Triangle is related to the weapons. (The author swap the button to triangle, for his own convenience). Tapping it will allow the weapon to quick swap inbetween the two weapons currently equiped. Holding it down will open the weapon wheel with all the weapons available to choose from. The weapons can be fired with R2. L2 is used for the alternative fire. To elaborate each weapon has two special forms that are unlocked the more the player proceeds and interacts with they small bots. For example a weapon such as the riffle has three forms. It's basic form(which is how the player gets it) and it's two upgraded forms. Sniper and missles. While using the scope, AKA it's sniper ability,holding down L2 will cause the weapon to zoom, and during it's missles, L2 will will lock six missles that can be fired with R2. All the weapons have these 3 abilities. It's basic and it's two alterations. Another example is the base shotgun which L2, will either throw granades, or make it semi-automatic. Only one modification can be active at a time, BUT the player can change between weapon abilities by pressing the Up arrow whilst equiped with the gun. The right arrow whilst in main game will allow the slayer to use his sword that one shots everything, and during the DLC 2 will use the Axe. L1 is used to set enemies on fire. Killing enemies whilst on fire will drop armor pieces. Last but not least L1 will shoot the slayers Granades and frozen granades. Granades cause an explotion with plenty of damage while frozen ones will freeze the enemies with in the radious and cause double the damage on enemies when upgraded.

The game has 6 difficulty settings, so that everyone can enjoy the game The difficulty can change at any point. The number of enemies won't increase nor decrease but the ammount of damage they deal changes base on the difficulty.
These difficulties are: :

I want to live
Less enemies, less damage taken, More ammo and more health for the slayer
hurt me Plenty
Offers more fights than the prior level, but as the player progress the slayer will eventually become way more powerful
Ultra Violence
Enemies deal alot of damage and the player will have to explore the enemies weaknesses and weak points.
Requires plenty of experience and attention. Enemies won't be forgiving
Ultra Nightmare
Same Nightmare, However the level has no checkpoints, death means reset of the chapter.
Extra Life
Dying, and running out of 1-UPs means Game Over, End of game.


Doom Guy's Figures Doom Guy's  Vinyl Doom Eternal chetas Doom Eternal Coin Wheel
Doom eternal has plenty of collectables, some are in game collectables, while others are mainly cosmetics. The first type of collectables in game are maps . The maps re used to reveal the entire area of the map.
They also reveal the location of the other collectables available in the map alongside extra healths(1-Ups). Each Chapter also has secret encounters and a Slayer gate. The secret encounters task the player,
to defeat certain enemies within a certain time limit. In case of failure, or the player has to do is interact with the gate again, however, the ammo used and health lost won't be reset. The slayer gates, are purple gates
that require a purple key in order to open them. These gates are very challenging that require the player to stay on their toes in order to win. Defeating the gate, will reward the player with a special purple crystal.
When all the gates are done, the crystals will be placed on the slayer's ship for him to unlock a powerful new weapon. Blue Crystals are crystal that boost the Slayers Ammo, Armor and Health. These Options are placed
alonside some passive abilities. Each time a slayer completes a set of two, he is rewarded with that special passive ability. It's down to the player's choice whether or not they will focussed on completing sets or obtain
all the health/armor/ammmo first.

The last three collectables are coins, batteries and mastery coin. Coins are given by ghost knights, and can be used to boost the slayers abilities within the coin wheel. These abilities are related to doom guy's
granades, and physical abilities. Mastery coins on the other hand are coins that when used a weapon can be instantly mastered without doing the master quest. When the players spent their points on weapon powers,
they reach a point where the game will task the player to get certain skills with certain weapons. For example, in order for the sniper to be mastered it required a certain ammount of headshot kills. Finaly baterries
can be used within the ship to unlock gates, that hide their own collectables, such us coins, crystals and different armor(skins for the doom slayer). The other type of collectables are cosmatic items.
First things first, Doom guy is a figure collector and has an entire bookshelf full of figures that he gathers from his missions. When interacting with the figures the game shows the enemy represented and it's description.
The second type of collectable are vinyl discs posted on the walls. These discs upon interaction will change the music in the background with the sountrack from the disc. These soundtracks are songs throughout the Doom Series.
Furthermore, the next collectable are sacret pages. These pages hold pieces of lore from all the games,characters maps and others. They held description of events that occured in this universe. Last but not least there are
floppy discs. These floppy discs, held cheat codes that can be used when replaying a mission. Cheat codes like inmortality, unlimited ammo,funny sound effects and funny interactions with demons. The cheat codes cannot be used
when first playing a mission, but they can be used from chapter select when revisiting a map to either gather the collectables missed or just replaying it for the fun of it.

Final thoughts

The game definetely lives up to the expectasion and hype of the series. It challenges the player with various of platforming maps and quick pace shooting game with plenty of enemies to fght. The game keeps introducing new enemies the more the player proceeds and also keeps giving new weaponry changing the gameplay the more it goes on. The emphasis on the map design is fantastic, showcasing Earths fate. The level design challenges the player to keep track of enemies, where ammunition is on the ground, where to move and where to best location to fight is. In an interview with the developers, they confirmed that each map has plenty of easter eggs such as pixelised layers referensing old game, monsters from other bethesda properties and cameos of doom slayers killed pet rabbit. The music continues the trent of metal that suuits the universe perfectly.

This is a video with my Honest review close to when i played the Game

This is a video showcasing and reviewing the Game

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