Marvel's Spiderman Miles Morales


About the Game

Marvel's Spiderman Miles Morales was developed by Insomniac Games, the studio behind some of the succesfull Series susch as the original trilogy of Spyro the Dragon, the famous duo of Ratchet and Clank ,the shooter game of The resistance and of course the Original Marvel Spiderman(2018).The game was published by SONY as a Playstation exclusive. It was released in November 2020 alongside the release of Sony's next Console AKA The Playstation 5. The Game was highly anticipated for plenty of reasons . Spiderman (2018) had build a universe that the majority loved, and Miles Morales is kind the official Sequel/ SPin off to that story. Given from the title the games new protagonist is None other than Miles Morales who was already introduced in the Prequel. Upon it's release the game received plenty of nominations in various game awards. Many concerns were raised as to te fate of Peter Parker, seiing how Miles Replaces Peter in the comics but Insomniac confirmed that Peter's Journey is not near it's end. Many Trailers were released including a music video of the Song I'm Ready sang by Jaden Smith to hype the already anticipated game. Few weeks prior to the games released Insomniac confirmed that the Title wont be a Ps5 Launch Exclusive and that a version for the playstation 4 was also going to be available. However there will be a benefit for the Ps5 version that will include a remaster of The original game called Marvel Spiderman Remastered Which will include all the ps5 upgrades(music,graphics,controler feedback and all the DLC (3)episodes inclusion ). With that announcement a new traoler was shown of the remaster with a model change of Peter. Insomniac did their best to explain as to way the model of Peter was swapped but plenty complained online. Needless to say the new model is now the official look for all three games(Spiderman Remaster,Spiderman Miles Morales, Spiderman 2(comming in 2023)). The old model can still be found in the old version of Marvel Spiderman(2018) found in Playstation 4.
The game released in the following forms:
Standard (PS4)
Included the game.
Standard (PS5)
Included the game.
Ultimate Edition (PS5)
Included the game, and a code to be used in the PS market to get Spiderman Remaster .

Story of the Game


Knowledge Prior to the Game

The game's story focuses on the new protagonist Miles Morales. Quick Spoiler for the ending of Spiderman(2018) Miles, was child who adores spiderman. His father Jefferson Davis, helped Peter capture certain enemies. The Mayor Osborn was going to award Jeff with a medal of Honor, however Mr Negative's minions crash the ceremony and Jeff sacrifised himself to save Osborn. Peter felt bad for Miles and offered him to work/Volunteer at Feast with the idea of helping others will ease the Pain of loss and take the attention away from the events prior. Duo to certain events in that game Miles ends up getting bitten by a radioactive spider. The last cutscene has Miles revealding to Peter ( who at this point was the only on who could trust) that he can stick to walls and so Peter reveals him that He was the one and only Spiderman. The DLC episodes of of the first game, shows the players that Peter is officialy trainning Miles to become Spiderman himself. This is shown through the multiple phone calls Miles does to Peter asking for further trainning in various parts such as web swinging, fighting and others. In fact the final scene in the the final DLC has Peter and Miles(wearing a spiderman mask) jumping of a building. Between this scene and the actual Game, there is an official Book called Spiderman Miles Morales Wings of Furry. The book focuses on the struggles Miles is going through since he moved in a new neighborhood far away from his friends and all the areas he used to hang out. It also showcases Miles becoming his own spiderman and he also fights a new villain who is related to Falcon.

Game's Story(Spoilers only for the first 30 mins)

The game begins with Miles walking around NY. He helps some people along the way and whilst on phone he says to his mother that he was soon gonna come home and that he would bring the ingredients she needed. He then receives a call from Peter claimming that their mission will soon begin and how they both should meet at their Randevou point. They both meet on top of a building and once a helicopter that carried a "package" arrived they began escorting it. Things go wild, and Miles wanted to prove himself had a near death expirience but Pete was there to save him. The helicopter dropped and Rhino came out of the package. This acts as the tutorial of the game, Miles fights off random enemies while Peter fights of the Rhino. Once the player finishes his encounter the rhino takes both spiders for a ride where the player is task to chase Rhino around NY and also respond to some quick time events. The three clash on last epic time and as a result Miles awakens his new electick powers to knowckout Rhino. Both the Spiders realise the caused plenty of damaged but they re both interupted by the CEO of Roxxon Industry who came to the battle area as the fight took place at their territory. Miles and Pete leave the scene and go into another rooftop. Peter claims to be Jealous that Miles has electrick powers whilst Miles claims he had nothing on the OG. He continious his conversation by asking whether or not they should test this new found power. Peter interupts him, and explains to him how he will escort Mairy Jane of seas asshe requested him to be her photographer for the daily beaugle. It was going to be something like a couple vacation. He then proceeds to give Miles a Christmas Gift and entrust the city to his hands. Miles then opens his gift and he sees his very own fullbody spiderman suit with the AI inhanced Mask. Miles shows his gift to his best friend and they both walk home for dinner.

The story proceeds by introducing us Miles Childhood friend with whom they spent plenty of time together. She seems mysterious and the more the player proceeds with the story the more they get to learn about her. Another character introduced is Miles Morales favorite unlcle AKA Uncle Aaron. He is also a very mysterious character and for those following the story of Miles they should know Who he is. The game wishes to mess with Miles mind and feelings, as Miles is task to defend NY from a new enemy armed with enchanced technology, Roxxon company, certain enemies miles wishes not to fight and his life style outside of his hero duties. A major issue he often comes across is his mother. Rio Morales runs a campaign that can be seen as a political battle againts others major companies such as Roxxon.
The story is very powerful and similar to it's prequel is well paced and allows the player to easy follow on what's happening and also gives time with the characters for players to be invest in this world.


Queen Statue

First things first, since it's a Spiderman game , one of the main attractions and main component for a succesfull "spiderman" game is the web swinging. It is very important since it is something that the players will be using alot throughout the entire run of the game. Without a doubt Insomniac understood it and made everything they could to make the experience fun and unique, needless to say, they nailed it. Swinging throughout New York city feels pleasant and satisfying. Every spider web that Miles shoots has to have a surface for it to connect to. While swinging there are different animations that spiderman triggers when moving or when the player does tricks. Unlike Peter Miles is very unexpririenced with this and so all of his animations reflect on an unexprerient Spidey. Comparing both Miles and Pete show the difference that comes with experience, Spiderman moves more calm and relaxed, whilst Miles spiderman is more whacky. He similar to Pete can also build momentum and use is to build speed. Various animations can be triggered when Spiderman swings through poles, and buildings constructions. Unlike Peter's trick Miles reflects to a more dancing tricks. They re very similar to breakdance on air. An important detail worth mentioning is the return of how Spiderman sounds when web swinging. Unlike when he is standing still onland, when swinging the player can hear how Miles finds it more difficult to speak, mainly duo to the air and the pressure. The last thing that is should be mentioned is that Morales can use his electrical powers as well while swinging. With the help of electricity Miles can boost himself to either go higher Up or move forward without losing height and reach a building. Swinging is done with R2. R2 can be combine with X together in order to launch themselves up. X whilst on air can be used to throw a web to change side. R1 uses the venom(electick abilities). Last but not least R2 + L2 is used to zip to a point and if X is pressed spidey will launch himslef.

The combat of the game is fun. It's a fast pace cobat with a fair amount of fighting animation for both on ground and midair fights. Miles' Spiderman fights the enemies in close combat, through his martial arts skills. That includes punching and kicking. Square is used for attacks, holding Square causes for a more powerful attack, that can even launch the enemy. Triangle is used to use webs in order to launch spider towards the enemy. Holding down triangle is used to either dissarm the enemies or pull them towards Miles. Spiderman can dodge incomming attacks based on when the spider sense starts to tingle. The more intense it looks the closer the hit is to land. DOdge is used with Circle. Miles can also use gadgets to aid him in battle BUT has way less than Peter. First he has his web shooters. Web shooters as the name suggests shoots webs on enemies. When upgraded, these shots are able to stuck enemies who are near walls. His second Gadget are the Holo Dromes. Holo dromes spawn allies who fight alongdisde miles for a small duration of time. The holograms not only deal damage to opponents but they can also distract the enemies attention away from Miles. Another gadget Miles has is Remote Mines. Miles can shot the mines that will explode when the player wants them. Last gadget is Gravity Well. This gadget creates a gravity well that pulls enemies together knocking them on the ground. Gadgets can be accessed with R1. Holding it down will open the wheel with these four options. The player can aim them with L2 and shoot them with R1. L1 uses Miles venom Abilities. L1 + Square is Miles Venom Punch. L1 + X, causes Miles to Jump up in the air with other enemies with him, he can hit them on air. L1+ Square + X will launch Miles on air, where he ll charge his punch and hit the ground pushing everone away and stunning enemies. L1 + Triangle is the venom Charge. Miles charges on an enemy, stomps him on the ground and throw him away. L1 + Triangle + O will create a Large electrical explosion hitting anyone close to Miles. Any electric foe that hits another will paralyse the enemy. Miles Final ability is his imvisibility. By pressing the Up arrow Miles become imvisible and the enemies lose their track of him. This can be used to knock down enemies with a stealth takedown. The down arrow is used to heal Miles Health bar.

During battles Spidey can always use surrounding items to help him in his fight with the enemies, such as trash bins, boxes etc. There's a number of mobs that need a different approach than normal button smash. Some enemies require the player to stunt them in order to hit him. Others enemies require the web crawler to attack them from behind as they can block every incomming attack. Given how Miles Spiderman is has venom powers it comes natural that the game will introduce enemies that can be defeated once they re venom punched. With the same logic the game introduces enemies who can detect Miles even when imvisible.Certain enemies require the player to dissarm their weapon and finally there are enemies that the player will have to launch them up in order to attack them. The game also has some real time events that also give a massive action based cutscene to accompany them. Real time events, are events that occur during a cutscene and require a player to press a certain button within a small amount of time. Last but not least each boss fight in the game is unique and memorable on their own rights. Simply smashing attack and webs will mostly help the player die quicker. During these battles the player is required to find the enemies weak points or open windows that they can use in order to strike down the enemy.

Post Game Content && Collectables

Games secre
The game has alot of post game content and in many forms.

  1. Side Quests.
  2. Spider-App Enemy Bases/Crimes .
  3. Collectables
New York is a city that requires a Spiderman to save the day. Peter has to take down enemy bases of Kingpin, Mr Negative, Silver's minions and others, Miles on the other hand has to take down his two main Villains... Roxxon and the Underground. Roxxon Labs are represented with the red Symbol of Roxxon that is similar to the infinity symbol. These labs represent secret locations that the Company was using to develop Nuform. Once Spiderman reaches the location, he has to take down the guards and then infintrate the base. Once inside the player is given certain task that will earn him more Tokens. Underground Hideouts, are marked with a red skull. The two share similar concepts, where spiderman goes to the base, beats the enemies(more tokens rewarded when the optiona missions are done.) and frees the base.Crimes are the same as the first Title. While freelancing an exclanation mark (!) will pop representing a crime currently happening. Each crime has it's own tasks for the player to complete. These Crimes are fighting tasks, Car chase and terrorism. Last but not least, Spiderman Miles Morales has a total of 9 side missions. All of them are represented with a glowing blue triangle. Four of the side quests will reward the player with extra skins based on the mission completed.


The game has alot of collectables such as:
There's 8 Postcards represented with a purple symbol. Miles Has to go to the location spicified and search for it. These Cards reveal the relationship of Miles and his Dad.
Sound Samples
Uncle Aaron wishes to test Miles Musical Background with 10 musical challeges. These tests are marked with the Prowlers symbol. Once Miles reaches the area, he has to hear the sample and look around the city to dfound the excact same sound.
Time Capsules
Miles and his friend Phin had a long past together. They Cherish their memories by hiding items in the map. There's 16 capsules that reveal more about their bond and time together.They re marked with a green clock
Underground Caches
35 Caches are marked with a blue box. Miles will have tolocate the box and open it in order to earn Tech parts.
Peter only appears in the oppening and ending part of the game. His pressence is shown through the multiple phone calls both have. However Peter is Miles teacher, and in order to train him he had different challenges for Miles.
It goes without saying BUT similar to the Prequel, Miles has a wardrope that consist of 19 different skins.
Similar to Spiderman(2018) The game has plenty of collectables for Miles to explore and earn tokens in order to power himself up. Each of the above mentioned collectables help the players invest more into the character of Miles. Although the past entry introduced Miles naturaly this is considered a stand alone title, so chances are several players skipped the first game and even those who played would ve most likely not read the book. The game mentions how Jefferson died but the players never got to know what their relation were outside of a 1 minute conversation they shared. The Postcards act as a scavenger game that he and his father used to play. Most of the locations are ares where they both hanged out and have fun as father and son. An imidiate change someone may noticed when booting both Spiderman Titles is that Miles has a different type of music more Pop. In fact Miles has a certain passion for music and his uncle knows it. His uncle spread different recordings inspired from Nature and Miles is in quest to find his uncle's and fathers music taste to mix and finish the song they left undone. The new character introduce Phin is Miles Childhood friend who has plenty of Secrets. Her part in the story is crusial, however the game's length focussing on story alone cannot conince their relation. Time capsules are created to showcase why these two bond is so powerful and why they both care about each other as much as they do. Peter Parker may not be physically in NY, however he left plenty of training programs for Miles to train. These training sections are seperated in three typesCombat,Traversal and Stealth. As the names suggest, the first is related to Miles fighting abilities againts various foes. the second type is about Miles web Swinging abilities and last but not least the third type is about Miles Stealth Abilities. A spiderman needs to be capable of swinging in actions, stealthy take down enemies and if he is discovered he ll have to be able to throw hands with the enemy.

Final thoughts

Games secre
Overall this is a fun Superhero game. The game can 100% complete within 15 hours and the player can receive the platinum trophy and satisfaction on defeating the game. The world design of the game is amazing filled with plenty of easter eggs from the marvel cinematic and in generall references.Easter eggs such as Dr Strange house, the Avenger tower, Stan Lee can be found while walking around or doing side quests. Details can be found in every part of map. Peter Parker, Uncle Aaron, Rio Morales , Miles and generally all the heroes are crafted with care and in respect to their original character design. The map design is amazing with NPCs walkig around mining their own bussiness. Whether they re walking esxercising in the park or even playing basketball. It is also worth mentioning how Insomniac gathered plenty of artists in order to create 100% original graffiti that decorate the world's walls. It should be mention how NY of Miles is not just a simple reskin of the prequel. All the buildings that were currently beeing build in Miles are now officialy build, areas that got destroyed in the OG are either rebuild or abadoned and generally has a festive atmosphere. The gameplay is fast and the swinging unique and "realistic". The story as mentioned is decent making Miles his own Spider man. The game was critisise by fans to be slightly rushed as unlike its predesessor the games length is the size of the one forth. As already mentioned, Insomniac's Spiderman has already established it's own version of Spiderman. In order for someone to get the full experience of this universe, they should read Spiderman book, then play Marvel's Spiderman with the 3 DLC, read the Miles Morales book and play Miles Morales the game. Finaly the game has a "sequel"(technically the third game) that is said to be released in the year 2023.

This is a video with my Honest review close to when i played the Game

This is a video showcasing and reviewing the Game

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