Unbound: Worlds Apart


About the Game

Unbound Worlds Apart is a 2D puzzle adventure game developed by an Indie studio called Alien Pixel Studio .This game is their second ever game and it was published by themselves originally
for the Nintendo Switch and for Pc in 2021. A year later, in February 2022 the game made its debut for the rest of the platforms such as playstation and XboxBoth generations). When the trailer was shown,
very similar to other games, there were plenty of concerns that poped online, due to the fact that the game looked very similar to another indie game, and that was Hollow Knight developed
by team Cherry. the studio never denied that hollow knights art style was one of their main references, but they also made sure to explain that the game cannot be like hollow kniht because of one major factor.
the game did not have any main Combat system. They claimed they liked how the original XBox exclusive Ori had a nice platforming challenge, and so they created Unbound which combines art style and platforming references
from both Hollow Knight and Ori and added their own twist with plenty of puzzles and portal power ups. The game is set to receive a small ammount of physical copies for the ps4 and ps5 consoles somewherein the mid of 2022.

The Story of Unbound: Worlds Apart (spoilers of the oppening cinematic (30-45 seconds))

Game screenshot of Sali and Leyrah
Similar to other indie titles released nowadays such as Little Nightmares, Abzu, Bluefire and ofcourse Hollow Knight the game uses little to non dialogue in order to tell it's story. In other words
it's another one of these Wordless Games. During the game, the player get's to control of Sali a small red hooded wizard. The oppening cutscene shows the player small mages playing around. When Sali approached
the other two kids got scared and run away from him. Sali had a weird ability that allowed him to open portals to other interconnected worlds. He accidentaly opens a portal and a weird creatured spawn and run away.
Sali's village consisted of plenty of magicians who were preparing to make their annual Celebration of the guardian where they reinforce a crystal to keep their world safe from any outsiders. While Sali was looking for
monster he distant himself from the village. Back in the village, while the festival was on, the crystal that protected them shatters and breaks allowing Demons to come towards their world. By the time Sali returns he finds
nothing but fire. A dying wizards requests Sali to go to a forest and seek shelter under the Wizard Brom to protect him. On it's way Sali finds the shatered crystal which he gets which allow him to control his portal power.

To sum the adventure afterwards, the player moves around the map in order to find Brom's location. In his adventure he meets the creature again and the two form a bond. The creature introduces itself as Leyrah who was the inhabitant of
a world far away from Vaiya (Sali's home world). He tells Sali that the demon who is currently destroying Sali's world attack it's prior and there was nothing left that even resembles what it's planet was. It itself was about to
die but Sali's portal rescued it. The two eventually reach Brom's hideout which was in the deep forest. A few survivors also made their way there but the majority of the survivors are either too exhausted to fight back or use their remainning
powers guarding the area so that no demon would come in uninvited. Brom Request that Sali would go on an adventure to collect certain orbs in order to seal the demons away. Nevertheless, doing so it's half the job as Sali would also have
to go to the desert and find another powerful wizard called Zarana in order to collect the rest of the shards located in the dessert.
Thus Sali's quest is on.

Thoughts on the story

Generally speaking the game's story is very straight forward. But very similar to Hollow Knight, if the players wish to learn more about the world and Sali they ll have to search around and interact with various NPCs, pillars and others.
The story is far more deep and grim with alot of unexpected plots. Most of the mages will majorily speak about their world, or even their lives prior to the demon invansion. Leyrah also appears alot in the game and explains the player how it's
life was, how the demons came to it's world and how amazed it is by the determination of Sali. Other Npcs are character that knew Sali as they were in the same village and they will interact based on how they feared of Sali for various reasons
and how different he was among them all. The game also has two different endings based on how many collectables the players collect prior to last boss fight. Both a bad and a good ending. More about the story and world of Sali can be found
if the player collects all the collectables and visit's a stone tablet that holds an entire story about them. Two cutscenes that reveal more about Sali can be seen if the player's tackle the Challenge portals.
It is also worth mentionning that all the cutscenes in the game and the background are all hand drawn and they re all well designed. There is no dialogue spoken with words but there is alot of text.


The game is a 2D side scrolling metroidvania that combines puzzles and platforming. Drawn by it's inspirations the player's character Sali, does not start with much other than manuvering around and jumping. The more the player proceeds in the story the
'stronger and richer' Sali's abilities become. To elaborate, Sali is capable of double Jumping, wall bouncing and dash and double dash through, once again similar to the first abilities the knight gets in Hollow knight. However here is where the similarities
between the knight and Sali ends as Hollow knight proceeds with it's charms and nails. Sali doesn't need them as he is a mage and the game on it's own does not have main combat mechanics. Instead, Unbound worlds apart main gameplay comes in the form of Portals.
Earlier in the story, there was a mention about Sali oppenning gates to another dimension and with the help of the crystal he gets to control it. The game uses the portal mechanic as it's main gameplay core.

Every time Sali ventures outside of the seal gates placed by mages, he gains a certain magical ability based on the portal he entered. The portals are all to another world and all of them have different abilities. These abilities cannot chain combo
among them as each time the players goes through a gate their abilities swap with each other. The game has plenty of portal's and map sections that make good use of all of them.
Game'scover These are:

Normal Portal
A 'normal' portal opens a portal to another world where the platforming remains majorily the same but invicible platforms may appear within the area. Very similary obstacles that block the path in one world may not exist in the other world. Enemy demons are also affected as in some portal they might be harmless while in others Danger. This portal when openned remains to the location that it was openned.
Gravity Portal
A portal that changes the gravity around Sali. Similar to the normal portals enemies are affected by them. Monster demons change form whilst in the portal where as enemy obstacles have their gravity swapped. This portal surrounds Sali as he is always in it's center.
Dark and Light
This portal creates light around Sali, however each times he moves, it slowly becomes smaller and smaller until Sali stops moving. The portal is used to reveal the area and it's danger in a dark space.
Shrink Portal
Sali turns into a tiny figure that can squeze through small locations and also enter small bubbles that levitate. A shrink Sali cannot break ice stants. The portal follows the player.
Red Cube Portal
When the portal opens, Sali turns into a red cube that is unaffected by enemies but also cannot move. The cube transformation can squish enemies and also weight alot to move platforms downwards.
Speed Gate
A rare gate that increases both the speed of hero and the amount of how high they can jump/double jump. The portal follows the hero.
Time Gate
This gate allows the player to open a portal that depiction items on their old self. For example, if a lever is broken in the current time, Sali can open a portal to the past where that lever was still standing healthy. The portal remains to the area it was casted
Offensive Sun Gate
A portal available for the last combat that allows the hero to use powerful magic to phase off enemies.
The portals are very responsive and open right when the button is pressed. The player will have to close their gates in order to open new ones.
Sali on his own is very weak and can only be hit once. The moment an enmy hits him, he is dead. The same one shot rules applies with spikes/horns, fires and deep water. The player cannot gain an upgrade to boost their health points so from start to finish they re one shot. To counter this
the game has alot of checkpoints that make the game very easy. Each time the player gets through an obstacle the game will literally give the player a checkpoint.


Game screenshot of Villagers

The game has two types of collectables:

Around the two playable areas, Forest and Desert there are random NPCs known as the villagers that are scattered around. Sali is task to move around and interact with them in order for them to return to their safe area. There is a toal of 40 villagers
scattered around both of these areas (20 each). When Sali interacts with them the villagers will say a phrase that won't make much sense on it's own. However, each of the lands (near the safe area) there's a black mage who guards a crystal. Each time a villager is found
they will be placed near the area around the crystal. Next to the mage there will be a rock with 80 lines of text. This text gives the lore of the world to the player and explain alot about the universe. Furthermore the more villagers appear the more powerful their spell gets
Eventually the Black mage will spawn a portal that will allow Sali to travel inside. These portals are known as the Challenge Portals where the player is tasked to use all the power ups in order to succesfully manuver around. Each portal requires the player to collect
two broken crystals that will open the gate to the boss room. By succesfully dealing with the boss the player will be rewarded with a cutscene of Sali's past.
Ghost Villagers
The concept is the same as the villagers, but ghost are placed in Hell. The path near the final boss battle. The player will come across Ghost villagers and upon interact they 'll aslo share dialogue with the player. Unlike the villagers their text won't appear
in any stone. They re needed only for a trophy.

Game screenshot of Sali and Demon


Overall Unbound: Worlds Apart is fun and interesting game that has a decent ammount of Challenge. The story of the game is deep, and the main adventure is given through some amazing hand drawn animation which honestly looks clean and smooth. In fact the entire game is hand drawn which is really beautifull. Sali as a character has a nice look to it that make him stand out from other characters. The music escorting the game is really relaxing but also have some dynamic OST for more intense battles. The platforming of the game is very challengefull as they rely on the players reflexes to not only use their basic abilities but also control their portals. Each area is hard when it is first introduced, but when the player gains more abilities, comming back to them is an easy task that also opens new areas within the maps that have collectables. The game has a massive ammount of collectables(50) that are honeslty very well hidden. It is also worth mentionning how the games collectables reward the player not only with trophies, but also with 2 cutscenes about the hero's past and the lore of the Unbound universe. Pretty much the player will have to open their maps and check each square corner to see where there might be a mystic path. For a game without main combat mechanics, it has some Clever Boss battles that require the player to use both the environment and the portal power ups to find a way to hit them, while avoiding projectiles. The main Issue of the game is it's generosity when it comes to checkpoints. Some are very close to each other and each time a player dies, they can instantly begin to where they were. An Example is the fact that the final boss battle itself has atleast 4 checkpoints that literally remove the entire challenge of the boss.

This is a video with my Honest review close to when i played the Game

This is a video showcasing and reviewing the Game

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